anyways ruiinng nwith collor :xddd

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I did some guides showing how I shade and paint hair before
when it comes to clothes it really depends on the material so I really recommend using refferences for that
for collors I just prefer to pick anything not too saturated and not too bright or dark that's it😭

19 82

Sleepy boy🧡

Patreon Exclusive wip with Collot coming this month 😌✨

12 73

Un mio piccolo omaggio per il premio Oscar vinto dal Pinocchio di Guillermo Del Toro per la trasposizione in film dell’immortale romanzo scritto da Carlo Collodi (al secolo Carlo Lorenzini).

8 23

Ecco lapotente macchina verde bottiglia,senzacollo,tutta dorso e fianchi,chesbuffa vapore. Il capotreno fischia;labandierina si abbassa;senzasforzo,per interna velocità,come unavalangamessa in moto dauna lievespinta,ci muoviamo.

1 7


Ti ho nel mio e nel tuo mirino siamo le mie paure i sogni le estenuanti attese temiamo insieme l’improvviso e l’inatteso ad armi pari nessun colloquio perché di te mio eguale mi fido poco 🌹

11 18

These are mine 😅 Geo archon supermacy, also these three are like my only yellow-collored arts

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Premier e ministro avrebbero dovuto testimoniare al processo sulla morte del giovane ricercatore torturato e ucciso in Egitto
Meloni e Tajani evitano i giudici: "Segreti i colloqui con al-Sisi"

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Radcliffe's colloquialisms are insane

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. Getting a Jontae Cammy stretch in before Collo considering all of the hard work that is about to be done.

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Uraraka and super girl repost!

I'm sad for not receive attention, but i really like this draw! The collor and the character is very beaty!

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丁度一年前にデザインした のキャラクター達が日常を過ごしている様子を描きました!


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the Forth Rail bridge was built in 1889 and soon after that the phrase ‘Painting the Forth Bridge’ was coined as a colloquial expression for a never ending task… by contrast I have only been painting for nigh on 15 years

Forth RailBridge (continued)
oil on panel ca.2008-22

5 21

when ur stepdad does human colloquialisms and u just roll with it even tho u have No Idea what they mean

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