Practicing drawing Subwoolfer stuff again. The masks still arent fully right, but im being hard on myself. Trying to get back into it slowly so please bear with me. In the mean time here’s a practice of Luna and Loona

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e si vedevano le onde rompersi in schegge bianche come vetro infranto contro gli scogli. Si vedevano le venature e le spaccature degli scogli.
Virginia Woolf


15 28

“La fragile bellezza del mondo ha due lati, uno di gioia, l'altro di angoscia, e spezza il cuore in due”

Virginia Woolf, Una stanza tutta per sé


Marc Chagall

13 31

can't believe they did that to woolfwood tbh

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Last illustration I made for the “Subwoolfer’s Howling Animated Recap” I’ve been working on the past few weeks.

You can see the full animatic here! 👇👇👇👇


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Reposting some of my most recent fakemons for
-Kroelian DIGLETT & DUGTRIO (Ground/Ice)
-Kroelian SINISTEA & POLTEAGEIST (Fire/Fairy)

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Battere le ali contro la tempesta avendo fede che dietro questo tumulto splenda il sole.

Virginia Woolf

11 19

That's not my name
Is it Ben?
Is it Gaute?
That's not my name
I can't stop to listen "Worst Kept Secret"💛🐺🎶

9 49

"Life is difficult; facts uncompromising; and the passage to that fabled land where our brightest hopes are extinguished, our frail barks founder in darkness, one that needs, above all, courage, truth, and the power to endure."

~Virginia Woolf,To the Lighthouse.🎨Stanhope Forbes

21 101

Ecco lapotente macchina verde bottiglia,senzacollo,tutta dorso e fianchi,chesbuffa vapore. Il capotreno fischia;labandierina si abbassa;senzasforzo,per interna velocità,come unavalangamessa in moto dauna lievespinta,ci muoviamo.

1 7

Il m’arrive parfois de penser que je ne suis pas une femme ,que je suis le rayon de soleil qui éclaire cette barrière, ce coin de sol. Il m’arrive parfois de penser que je suis les saisons, que je fais partie du brouillard et de l’aube.

Virginia Woolf
Les Vagues

10 56

so I heard bubbo watches demon slayer...
hella based ngl
// qndres is here too lol

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I come to remind you that WoolfYubari is licensed to be your queen, my children~

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