I found them when the manga just started because they made me remember at Shinichi and Ran of Detective conan.

0 3

De vez en cuando veo que recomendáis películas y series super molonas y me gustaría hacer lo mismo pero soy señor 100% desactualizado. Para que me entendáis, ahora mismo estoy viendo Detective Conan... por primera vez.

2 33

Hey Dean , BEOWAR is bringing back those great adventure books like Kazar and Savage Sword of Conan. I'm even printing it magazine size.

0 1

Hoy 29 de Agosto cumple años Saguru Hakuba de Detective Conan.

0 0

...that apocrypha any more momentum than it already has.

But pastiche writers have been fucking up Howard's Conan since the '60s and will very likely keep doing so. How could I possibly make it worse?

At least my shitty fanfic uses Howard’s ACTUAL themes and facts about Conan.

0 8

Another recent example - Conan. Though they’ve of course already lost that license ( and some Avengers tpbs will eventually not be able to be reprinted because of it)

0 1

Every generation has their Conan.

0 8

->I simply loved the whole concept and how it was delivered spiced with some WMT story elements, heck they even made Amedio from Marco as a character here and some of the places really resemble Conan. Nakamura really likes to dig deep into the human soul and I really like this->

0 5

I always wanted to do this I regret nothing XP All of them are my OCs, besides Gin from Detective Conan.

1 1

Someone decided to bring ancient talking point from 2014.
I grew up reading Heavy Metal, Epic, 1984 and Conan.
You can't spook me with the sight of dick.
Pretty secure in my sexuality, thank you very much for asking. https://t.co/HP8qcZ4oYc

18 117

Eiichiro Oda: "Nous regardons toujours le monde entier du manga, mais quand nous regardons tout en haut, il y a Détective Conan."

87 365

És INCREÏBLE la quantitat de gent que comparteix via xarxes l'experiència de la nova pel·lícula de el Detectiu Conan. Això demostra que un contingut com aquest, i en català, és necessari. La combinació anime i en català és èxit assegurat. Fem que l'èxit persisteixi per sempre.

46 179

Estreno en España de Detective Conan: La novia de Halloween.

Llega a los cines, de la mano de , la vigesimoquinta película de la exitosa saga de Detective Conan.

Trailer, sinopsis y cines: https://t.co/NdnzoMwbEU

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Right off the bat, if a story or novel has a * at the end of it then it contradicts Howard's writings and/or has too many Conantics to be considered anything but apocryphal.

Decent S&S but not Conan.

Short stories have " ", novels don't, and an author is listed for each.


2 16

À deux doigts d'ouvrir un énième compte pour compiler toutes les vues urbaines nocturnes de Détective Conan. (🌃 )

2 18

🎉 Hoy cumple años el mangaka Gosho Aoyama, reconocido por crear el manga de Detective Conan.

🤔 ¿Estás al día con el manga? ¿Qué te parece?

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