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Fluffy Dragon chan💕 Thank you! 

5 26

I absolutely LOVE the idea of luffy having the celestial dragon mark, especially the AUs I’ve seen on AO3 fanfics, it’s a darker side to luffy that I think is very interesting…🤔🤔

1 12

Fluffy Night🌙

456 3612

When the copium turns out too pretty not to post— (and ofc I gotta imply zolu in everything💀 can’t help it)

Trigger D Warning for the unedited version in thread

7 38

my Captain and the Cook collection will start from here 🥺I have always loved how happy Luffy when he saw Sanji came to him.

55 456

QRT the character vs how you drew the character

When I draw luffy he always comes out looking different everytime depending on my mood💀💀 but he somehow looks very pretty when I’m sad https://t.co/x0MZOWykVW

2 7

it takes a bit of getting used to lmao,, also keeping the hair fluffy/big also makes it look better

15 476

스파허브 | Fluffy hair in the morning.

30 200

As I looked at her, she showed me her big fluffy with emphasis︎🤍🐱💜

243 1481

Extra fluffy 🐱

67 431

risu fluffy flareon 🤨

223 2387

So I continued to play around with Tabby's newer outfit -

a Tabby who has resorted to being more of a nomad worker than an office worker

Her tail... made it more fluffy and outfits more uhh - based on real life or so ig

1 18

Appears in Zeta's Fate episode
The moment the topic of ``fluffy pancakes with the best seasonal fruits'' comes up, a sweets-loving Magirafurilla girl (27) suddenly starts talking fast.

76 278

luffy chu 👒🐯

2488 22071

Apparently the fox girl gives me my own fluffy as well as chocolate.

356 1885