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本日はまだ を全然触れなかった頃に1か月くらい自主練した〇食べ物と□文具をテーマに作ったアイコン。2007年頃、当時はCS2か3かな?その頃流行してたMicrosoftアイコン風。

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"Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil; May God rebuke him, we humbly pray...
did this for art class sharpee on bristol and colored on cs2

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Convinced the only reason Jusis and Machias were playing pool(?) in CS2 was so Makky had an excuse to stare at Jusis' ass.

(I'm sure it's obvious I have no idea how to play pool or snookers or billards or whatever)

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Eu estava a um tempo querendo fazer uma fanart de um dos membros da creative squad então fiz o bigode favorito da creative squad

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Alternate versions! Grayscale with splashes of red is a CS2 filter, and then we just have regular grayscale to show off the lines. I ACTUALLY PREFER MY COLORED VERSION FOR ONCE (and the CS2 filter is actually super neat too)

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55.CS2 ポッパーズ
(ライブ/Theme of staff roll~special mix~)

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53.CS2 ミセス・ウィルソン

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51.CS2 フラワー

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49.CS2 シンディ
(キャンディポップ/Give me your pain)

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I always find time to talk about my favorite Cold Steel game. I love CS2 so freaking much

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43.CS2 アンズ
(キュート/取り返してやる!~Again,My Lovely day~)

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