My regular for
This time for: “IN THE BALKANS, WE KNOW WHAT IT MEANS TO BE DIVIDED” by Aleksandra Markovic”

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Former MP Aysel Tuğluk, who lost her memory in , has not been released for 493 days despite being diagnosed with

Cezaevinde hafızasını yitiren Aysel Tuğluk demans teşhisine rağmen 493 gündür bırakılmıyor

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Putin’s invasion of Ukraine can blow to fisheries..

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Men are ready to celebrate the women's day 2022.
Erkekler Kadınlar günü'nü kutlamaya hazırlıklı bu yıl..

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Poland/Hungary deprived of recovery plan funds, threaten to block EU institutions..

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Saudi-led coalition air strikes target Yemen’s Houthi rebels after Abu Dhabi attack

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‘Look trough my eyes ‘
World Human Rights Day
The education of living equally in this world begins at home, at school…

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