. 『「クレオパトラ 鎧」』
(Cleopatra, armor.)

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. 『「クレオパトラ 褌」』
(Cleopatra, loincloth.)

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. 『「クレオパトラ 浴衣」』
(Cleopatra, yukata.)

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. 『「クレオパトラ 陣羽織 日本の甲冑」』
(Cleopatra, Jinbaori, Japanese Armor.)

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. 『クレオパトラ モナリザ風』
(Cleopatra, Mona Lisa style)

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. 『クレオパトラ 楊貴妃 小野小町』
(Cleopatra, Yang Kwei-hui, Ono-Komachi)

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. 『クレオパトラ 胸が大きい アニメ調』
(Cleopatra, large breasts, cartoon style.)

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GM - happy weekend 🌺

Listing alert 0.07 for edition of “Cleopatra" 🔥

This monochrome painting was inspired by Cleopatra, Egyptian queen.

The next listing is 1.25 ETH ✨


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Set designs by Bakst for "Cleopatra," "Daphne and Cloe," and "Sleeping Beauty"

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in 31 B.C., a significant historical event occurred outside the Gulf of Actium in Greece.
The fleet of Roman Mark Antony and Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt, met the fleet of Octavian leader known as the Emperor Augustus after 27 B.C. https://t.co/wt7Aupf2HP

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Il 31 a.C. avviene la battaglia di Al largo della costa occidentale greca, la flotta di guidata con abilità da Marco Vipsanio Agrippa, sconfigge quella di e che in seguito si suicideranno. E' la fine della guerra civile.

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Russian dancer, actress, art patron and Belle Époque figure, Ida Rubenstein, as Cleopatra, by Léon Bakst

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It took a bit longer than what I wanted to, but Chapter 28 of Pokémon Chronicles is finally here: Cleopatra, the deadly beauty...


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Da Giulio Cesare a Cleopatra, da Miguel de Cervantes a Galileo Galilei: l'ultimo libro di è "Dialoghi col passato".
Puoi acquistarlo su https://t.co/mHCxfWeARI.

Perché la storia non è mai solo bianco o nero, ma una materia complessa di cui innamorarsi.

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Today in 1963 the film Cleopatra, starring Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton, is released in US theaters. It was the most expensive film made at the time

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Acquistalo ora: https://t.co/mZN4OqoyeJ

Nel suo nuovo libro, il misterioso cantastorie di Twitter sale su un'immaginaria macchina del tempo per dialogare con personaggi storici come Cesare, Cleopatra, Cervantes, Galileo, Napoleone.

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La batalla de Accio se produjo el 2 de septiembre del año 31 a. C., entre la flota de César Octavio, comandada por Agripa, y la de Marco Antonio y Cleopatra, frente al golfo de Ambracia y el promontorio de Accio. La batalla se saldó con la victoria absoluta de Octaviano.

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I would go for cleopatra,( I know for some her design might not be appealing )but I find her gameplay good and fun to use (she has taken me out of trouble several times).
Also beowulf and jing ke https://t.co/V1HCr53dnz

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