What Fan base? The so called conservatives Only invest in nepotism and shun anyone that doesn't buy into the grift. It requires a left wing(fake conservative) youtuber to push a product or even get one funded

0 0

these charachters SCARE conservatives!

0 2

The evil snake (fascist conservatives 👿) want to hurt the innocent small wolf! (not giving hormonal drugs to a minor and mutilate their genitals)

Protect the little wolfs! (ruin their health for life)

240 4323

Hello Twitter conservatives. What fo you think of this man?

16 275

Conservatives will unironically make the same arguments leftists do for gun control with no self awareness when it comes to living breathing organisms https://t.co/fNEfV8ceuv

0 6

So it looks like “be gay do crime” is making the rounds and the are conservatives pissed so retweet to spread it more 🥰

995 2845

people that purposefully make characters unpleasant to look at or exaggerate certain features because they see it as the only way to draw a poc or someone with a disability. it doesnt fall far from when conservatives draw racist / ableist caricatures

217 5872

Lol, you don´t get it, nothing more Christian than the disgusting French revolution. The Mexica empire was unapologetic. A celebration of life/war. A drunken, euphoric one. Ultra-conservatives. La "révolution" is a festival of the wretched, the complete opposite.

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The Rt Hon Chamberlain, by "WHO" - Vanity Fair, 29 Jan 1908

Joseph Chamberlain, a British statesman who was first a radical Liberal, then, after opposing home rule for Ireland, a Liberal Unionist, & eventually served as a leading imperialist in coalition with the Conservatives.

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Conservatives after finding a gender neutral bathroom in their own house (Horrible news!)

199 2014

fucking tired of having to hide who i am for conservatives' satisfaction. we're tired of having to hide is a so-called “free country”.

5 22

PP conveniently forgets provinces have Premiers, and most of them are conservatives 😏

24 90

God, I hate politics. But I still voted b/c the conservatives are totally batshit off their rockers.

107 524

this is how conservatives describe california

211 7231

Conservatives think drag queens turn kids guy but it’s actually these two who turn kids gay

533 6340

Conservatives sure are something aren't they.

2 20

firstly God Bless and GodSpeed.. secondly maybe you folks like table top wargames developed for conservatives like Chris. Amway thanks folks

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