Life drawings completed tonight, 25.03.2022, during session in Belfast - pastel and charcoal on paper by moi 🎨

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“41” has been selected for the Derwent Art Prize exhibition at Gallery and will be available to purchase in London at that time. Thanks

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Here is my drawing that has been selected for the prize!

Pencil, acrylic paint, charcoal powder and chemical spray on paper.

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Les désaxés
The misfits
Encre de chine, graphite et stylo à bille sur fiche bristol.
Indian ink, graphite and ballpoint pen on bristol sheet.

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Fiche d'exercice
Exercise sheet


Posca, encre et bande adhésive sur estampe à l'adhésif
Posca, ink and adhesive tape over stamp with adhesive

10 x 15 cm

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*For SALE,as part of edge * original single flower 🌷 Lillie no121. Watercolour on arches paper 19 x 14 cm JDavies artworks 2021.
£200 with postage. Dm

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Original single flowers 🌷 Lillie no 120. Watercolour on arches paper 19 x 14 cm, JDavies artworks 2021. *For SALE,as part of edge

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Fiche d'exercice grille.
Exercise sheet grid.


Graphite et bande adhésive sur photographie argentiquel
Graphite and adhesive on filmphotography

9 x 14 cm

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Original single flowers Lillie, orange. Watercolour on arches paper 19 x 14 cm, JDavies artworks 2021. *For SALE dm me,as part of edge

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