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Charcoal and pastel on paper, including Grace the Greyhound, @FigureThisArt Life Drawing session today 03/06/2022 in @AccidentalT 🎨 #croquis #figurethis #figuredrawing #lifedrawing #drawingpractice #figurativeart #contemporarydrawing #sketches #belfast #ulster
My charcoal and pastel life drawings, completed in @AccidentalT @FigureThisArt session tonight 🎨 #figuredrawing #figurativeart #figurethis #lifedrawing #drawingfromlife #humananatomy #charcoaldrawing #pasteldrawing #figurestudy #lifestudy #croqui #belfast
Life drawings completed tonight, 25.03.2022, during @FigureThisArt #lifedrawing session in @AccidentalT Belfast - pastel and charcoal on paper by moi @CiaraSlevin 🎨 #art #sketch #drawing #lifedrawing #figuredrawing #figurethis #contemporarydrawing #figurativeart #belfast
Some of my life drawings in charcoal and pastel on toned paper; quick sketches completed while at @FigureThisArt life drawing class in @AccidentalT tonight 11/03/22 🎨 #lifedrawing #figuredrawing #pastelsketch #malemodel #drawdaily #belfastart #figurethis #belfast #FridayFeeling
A few of my sketches; charcoal & pastel on paper, model Hatty, completed in @FigureThisArt life session tonight, Friday 25/02/2022 at @AccidentalT. Bit rusty but good to be back drawing after a couple of months away from it! 🎨 #drawlife #lifedrawing #figurethis #ciaraslevinart
Life drawing sketches completed tonight at @FigureThisArt in @AccidentalT - charcoal & pastel on toned paper 🎨 #figurethis #lifedrawing #figuredrawing #quicksketches #contemporarydrawing #contemporarydrawing #malemodel #pastel #charcoaldrawing #drawingonpaper #art
Drawings in charcoal and pastel on paper, from life. Drawing, my Friday night relaxation activity, via @FigureThisArt at @AccidentalT in Belfast…💜🎨👩🏻🎨 #drawdaily #sketching #lifedrawings #lifedrawingmodel #lifedrawingbelfast #figurestudies #figurethis #line #form #figure #art
Some of my drawings from tonight; charcoal and pastel on paper; session in @AccidentalT via @FigureThisArt life drawing classes 08/10/2021 🎨 #lifedrawing #art #draw #sketch #figuredrawing #figurethis #charcoal #pastel #contemporarydrawing
Life sketches of model David from tonight’s @FigureThisArt class in @AccidentalT - charcoal & pastel on paper 🎨 #lifedrawing #sketch #figurethis #humananatomy #figuredrawing #figuresketching #croquis #superspeedysketch #art #figurativeart #drawing #art #figuredrawing #FridayFun
Some of my Life Drawings, 06/08/21, model Sophie, via Figure This Life Drawing Classes @FigureThisArt in Accidental Theatre Belfast @AccidentalT ~ pastel & charcoal on paper 🎨 #lifedrawing #figuresketch #charcoal #sketch #drawing #figuredrawing #pastel #drawingpeople #figurethis
Some of my quick life drawings from last night, 30/07/21, model Gemma, via Figure This - Life Drawing Classes in Accidental Theatre Belfast ~ charcoal & pastel on paper 🎨 #lifedrawing #linedrawing #charcoal #pastel #gesturedrawing #drawingpractice #figurethis #figuredrawing #art