다행히 저에게 여분의 작품집이 있어서 조만간 무료 나눔을 해볼까 합니다
언젠가 웹툰으로 볼 수 있게 되면 바로 소식을 알릴게요!

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요즘 새를 많이 그렸어요.
올리는 그림은 제가 원고에 쓰려고 그려놓은 참매ㅋㅋ

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Started "Sad Santa" Nov 2021, but had a freak accident in Dec 2021 (ceramic cup shredded my hand) so couldn't paint for 2 months. Thank God I've regained all mobility! I decided I'd finish it in time for Christmas 22

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Wanted to practice at making cartoon characters more life like and 3D without the use of lines. I copied from an original screenshot so I could just focus more on the lighting and shading.

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Illustrated earthworm mascot logo for a client who aims to bring a farm to every home (urban farming).

Made with and

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엘가시아 플레이 후기 감상문(스포 주의)

종교적 의미와 상관없이 부모 자식관계로
피에타를 본떠 그려봤어요~

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"Decorative Pumpkin" ... I'm into full swing.
Hand painted, digitally in from my own original photography.
At my website as super options, and more: https://t.co/IKtCPFmhim

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새끼 여우 말고 다 큰 여우 그린 건 정말 오랜만...
꼬리는 제가 만든 브러시로 주욱 그었는데,
다행히 막 튀고 그러진 않아서 앞으로도 잘 쓸 것 같습니다ㅎㅎ

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PainterとKritaで描き比べ その3

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Illustration of the all seeing enlightenment.

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PainterとKritaで描き比べ その2

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✍️Illustration and sketches for short film called “Night watch”

Movie link 👉 https://t.co/nRo8BVEtFR

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社会風刺の寓意を込めたSFホラー……でしょうか? 途中までちょっと長く感じましたが、終盤の展開の迫力はすごかったです。

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