My friend and I were making up Pokemon and this happened. The file name is cursedchild.png

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It’s Day 3 of - Double Trouble.
Say what you want about Cursed Child I think Scorpius and Albus are precious and I love them.
Prompts by

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I wanna see 's Scorpius so bad 😭 please fly me to London 💔

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Albus and Scorpius’ first encounter is the only acceptable way to introduce yourself to your future boyfr- *cough* I mean best friend ;)

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My favorite person in the world at the moment. 💚🐍
Jonathan Case. 🙈
Scorpius in

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"I am the new past. I am the new future. I am the answer this world has been looking for."- Delphi Riddle.
I hope you like it :)

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I will always adore HP and the Cursed Child and all its craziness, like Draco’s son forcing him to go on a time traveling adventure with the people he thought he could avoid for the rest of his life.

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✨Happy Opening Day !✨ Shout out to the HP team for all your hard work⚡️💕 Sometimes I can’t believe we work on this show 😭✨

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Just read lately. I have mixed feelings about it. It made me miss these three though.

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