Harry Potter x Enstars

Itsuki Shu ver!

This is made for roleplay purposes, and why he is in Ravenclaw is because my old old old pottermore result said so.

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做完之後發現自己是雷文克勞( > < )


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Apparently I got sorted into House Ravenclaw with a Greyhound as my patronus in Pottermore!

Can't wait to play this game on stream tonight!

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esa es la que te habia salido en pottermore? la mía parece un pedazo de rama xd

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I got myself Slytherin on Pottermore.
but i personally think Mc Unna 💛 would perfectly fit at Gryffindor or Hufflepuff :D https://t.co/AVgkxsn8w4

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Ми з Асом завершили дивитися Гаррі Поттера і нам стукнуло в голову пройти тести на Поттерморі й визначити свої факультети, патронусів та палички. І ось який результат =D Ас вийшов дуже схожим, а я якась крінжа. А ще Ас комплексує, що потрапив на Слизерин.

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My ✨️
Pottermore AU - He's a cat shapeshifter

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| Juan Maeve
this is what I’m doing while I was away LMAAOOO

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NGOAAAAAAAAA lebih sering bacot pottermore!AU di FB sih hehe

Yang di gambar 2 awal ada OC temen https://t.co/xXuC9ypFvv

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Dante/Chantily/Florentia/Asher - Harry Potter (Pottermore oc sih tapi harusnya masuk lah ya...bingung juga sih)

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MM ada bbrp sih, anak pottermoreku dua-duanya putih? Udah gitu Hibiki dan dajjal kacamataam ini https://t.co/JATXn2b0bj

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