Completed the set the day after release. And started painting the characters again from the second set I have. First set was speed painted, so its ready for gaming. Second set I’ll spend more time with. But painted is always better than not.

3 60

Absolutely in love with the new miniatures. If they'll retain similar style for the upcoming Old World, I'll be more than happy. Well, except for the zombies - they're horribly bad. what do you think?

0 14

Time to dig into the models and see if I can't spot some fun details.

There's a lot to take in, so consider this a series of hot takes.

23 138

Just too much swagger. What a range of models. A painters dream.

2 36

The new Warhammer Quest: Cursed City releases are really tempting... Do I dare to grab them? The witch hunter and elf are magnificent and I definitely approve of its overal Darkest Dungeon-like theme. Decisions, decisions...

0 7