Book: One Year at Ellsmere . Rev 1: "loved the character development, the fantasy touch with the forest story, and how both elements come together to make yet another great story from Faith Erin Hicks." |

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Into the Tall, Tall Grass "This is definitely a quiet tale... And the bittersweet emotional payoff in the end is utterly wonderful!" Judge reviews of / nominees

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. has a 'feast' for you w/her bite-size reviews of these nominees: Kiki's Delivery Service by Eiko Kadono: "A wonderful read!" | Embassy of the Dead by "A madcap ghostly adventure, complete with goofy sidekicks." | 1/3

1 5

Let's start our Saturday with ' review of Aurora Burning by Amie Kaufman and | nominated by

3 2

The Nuff by Veronica Waldrop, illustrated by Cat Elliott is "a heartfelt love letter to girls everywhere." reviews this nominee + shares the story behind the story at Word Spelunking:

1 1

Whoop! 2 reviews from : Lizard in a Zoot Suit edited + illustrated by ; Displacement written and illustrated by by | nominated by: & , respectively.

1 4

3/4 Clarence's Big Secret by Roy McGregor | A Garden In Your Belly by Masha D'yans | What's This Tail Saying, | Nature Did It First by Karen Rohrich Ansberry | Unbeatable Betty by Allison Crotzer Kimmel nominees

0 4

Whoop from the coop, it's a literary feast!! reviews 18(!) nominees: Queen of Tejano Music: Selena by Silvia Lopez; Charles Darwin on the Origin of Species by Sabina Radiva; The Teachers March!, 1/4

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It's a BONUS! We're starting the day with an excerpt of 's review of Punching the Air by and . "Definitely a must-read." commented on the full review, and you can, too. Go read it. Now.

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"The story was good, the characters believably decent, and the illustrations very enjoyable." ~ on Elementary nominee Midwinter Witch by

1 1

"The mysteries and the supernatural elements will keep kids turning the pages, and ... I found myself falling in love with ... " No spoilers! reviews Elementary / nominee The Elephant's Girl by

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Have you ever run into walls (or other immovable objects) while reading books? Our Chair Stephanie Charlefour can relate!

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This week we want to introduce you to the people who make the what it is. First, Board President and Chair of the Category Stephanie Charlefour. Find out what likes to read on our Introduction Card.

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