malamm! Sender lagi mencari Genshinmoots ! Sender neuvi & navia main and i go by she/her.Akun sender campur sama game lain.Neuvi, furina, navia main get a freepass 🎟️ minor under 16 dni, leave any trace and i’ll hyu

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HELLO! aku need banyak -bllkawan yang banyak biar TL ku segar bau cogan blulok 🤭. aku pakai ava Isagi! -17, homophobic dni, ya <3. pecinta allsagi will get freepassssss ♡

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i’m looking for kawanbabu, I go by he/him 25+ and also future Neuvillette main, homophonic and minor dni, please leave a trace!

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hi everyone! i am currently seeking for genshinmoots to talk with. yae miko main here and I go by she/her on my legal age. minors dni, please kindly leave a trace and I'll hit you up!

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hi good afternoon, i am currently seeking for genshinmoots to talk with and I go by he/him on my legal age. minors dni, please kindly leave a trace and I'll hit you up.

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kawanbabu Goodafternoon, I'm looking for mutuals, I wanna start over from scratch because of personal reasons. Minors and homophobes dni, soon to be kazuha main and a coffee addict.

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Eve, traveler. I just made a new account so I'm currently looking for genshinmoots who doesn't mind with spoiler and casual player. I go by any pronouns, legal age, AR60 Asia.

Arlecchino & Clorinde wanters get free passes. Also minor dni, sorry.

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Eve, traveler. I just made a new account so I'm currently looking for kawanbabu who doesn't mind with leaks and casual player. I go by any pronouns, legal age, AR60 Asia.

Arlecchino & Clorinde wanters get free passes. Also minor dni, sorry.

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Halo, sender mencari kawanbabu untuk interaksi satu sama lain dan gak masalah sama typing formal. She/her, Neuvillette main, masih minor(17). Akun sender campur jadi sender menerima semua akun.

Homophobic DNI, leave a trace & I'll hit you up.

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haloh wahai kawanbabu yang tersesat, mari berteman sm sy dan hijaukan dunia 🐊🥬🌳 oiyah aku udah legal (18), she/they, suka coop, emmm agak brisik, dan kadang bahas gem lain. basic dni, homophobic, dan -16 dni dulu yah mheheheh yang suka kzscr dapat sayur kol 🦠

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Hi! I would like to look for some kawanbabu to mingle with! Who doesn’t mind with unlabeled acc. Homophobic dni, please. If you’re interested, kindly leave your TMI below or just "hi" for simple, and I'll eventually come to you.

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Hi everyone who's seeing this, i'm here looking for kawanbabu who doesn't mind a fresh account. Small and rant accounts are preferred, i'm sOoO excited to co-op or just chat on DM. Homophobic and minor DNI, i really appreciate anyone who wanna leave a mark!

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Genshinmoots | Biding my warmest hello to everyone who see this post wherever you are, I’m offering a friendship! Currently maining Kazuha and Neuvillette using He/They as my pronouns if that’s matter. Basic DNI, homophobic and minor DNI. Reply with your TMI or queries.

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Heyyoo~ Mencari kawanbabu karena bosen main sendiri. Sender go by she/her, legal, AR60 and hutao main (walaupun sering gonta ganti sih). Sender sering fruity, (ke yanfei karna yantao shipper!!) jadi kalau gk nyaman wlw/gxg please dni, and no minor yaa

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looking for new kawanbabu childe & wrio main, c6 abah wanter and still looking for dains playable. minor & homophobic dni, just rep this x and i'll hit you up!

ps. ava albedo

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Selamat pagi! I'm looking for kawanbabu to interact with. My account is new and unlabeled, I'm a big Neuvillette and Zhongli enthusiast. I'm using he/him pronouns if that matters. Minors and homophobic DNI, thank you!

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Jjkmoots! Aku mau cari moots baru di jam jam segini ada yg bersedia kah?

- minor dni, yg ngga masalah aku anikpop(carat) acc

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adkh tabi yg masih bgn?? humzz, mari genshinmoots dgnku ... btw ak ar45 & masih minor yh mniez :] yg akunnya gak famili frendli, jametphobic, fit basic dni, & salty-an jgn lat dlu ok. ketik "hmu" nnti ak nongol. tencu & see u mwah

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Genshinmoots | Biding my warmest hello to everyone who see this post wherever you are, I’m offering a friendship currently maining Kazuha and Ganyu, using He/They as my pronouns if that’s matter. Basic DNI, homophobic and minor DNI. Xianyun wanters get freepass.

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kawanbabu | Biding my warmest hello to everyone who see this post wherever you are, I’m offering a friendship currently maining Kazuha and Ganyu, using He/They as my pronouns if that’s matter. Basic DNI, homophobic and minor DNI. Xianyun wanters get freepass.

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