In the story, the X-Men find themselves outmatched by a magical entity. Nightcrawler recruits his sorceress girlfriend, Amanda Sefton (later ‘Daytripper’) to aid them, but it isn’t enough. Illyana arrives on scene, however, and quickly turns the tide in the X-Men’s favour. 3/10

1 69

im obsessed w the daytripper looks 🥺🌸

2 3

drawing of for !!!! i'm so proud of this :))))

41 211

Daytripper by Fábio Moon and Gabriel Bá - Its been years since i've read this, but it might be time to do it again.

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I'm sure you've already read it, but Daytripper is top tier stuff

1 19

Something I forgot about DAYTRIPPER is that the series has some of the best covers of any comic, ever. Just about everyone is a work of art in itself I’d want to put up on my wall. This one for issue is my favourite. It poignantly depicts both presence and absence.

0 6

My bookshelf left to right: 23. Daytripper by Fabio Moon and Gabriel Ba is a ten-issue story in which the two Brazilian authors/brothers try and look for an answer to the life's big questions within mundane, everyday moments that spiral out of control, in a way.

3 56

Finished reading Daytripper last night and, as you must, stopped for a short cry. Great comic, masterful control of small, meaningful moments.

1 4

Daytripper by Fabio Moon and Gabriel Ba. I read it every year and have a good cry. Just an incredible book.

0 16

Amazing paintings from Barcelona based artist Peca at "Hopi - Dream Day Tripper", Acrylic on canvas, © Peca

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most recent excitements:
The American Dream?
The Hard Tomorrow

frequent re-reads:
My Boyfriend is a Bear

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Summono para apresentar algumas HQs que os impactaram! =D

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Este febrero se cumplen 10 años de la publicación del primer número de de y , una de esas grandes obras por las que el tiempo se niega a transcurrir. Hoy la celebramos con un texto de Miguel Cueto.

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