What was Dickens's opinion of drinking? 1842, Dickens defends that many of his characters drink: "They do not prosper in their fortunes, because of this taste (far from it), but in spite of it, through their better nature." Read the full letter: https://t.co/hSYUuzAsa4

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Interesting item on Dickens's original ms. of Oliver Twist in today's papers, pointing out that he toned down the violence in language as well as incident—but it's still so powerful (see Philip Allingham's long essay about the novel & its illustrators: https://t.co/Bobgw7iTgo)

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With the 150th anniversary of Dickens's death coming next month, I've put Pictures from Italy to one side temporarily, and am enjoying reimmersing myself in The Mystery of Edwin Drood, especially 's awesome illustrations for

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Too gloomy, but 1837, beloved sister-in-law, Mary Hogarth, "that spirit which directs my life" (& inspired a number of his characters) died in his arms https://t.co/DRQZYSmUSi

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Today we're joining with Dickens's wishes, expressed in 1868 to Fanny Kemble, daughter of the actor Charles Kemble: "Accept my best wishes for your prosperity and happiness and for the welfare of those who are dearest to you." https://t.co/s0WikkSGHJ

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Seen with flat-bottomed Venetian rowing boats (gondola) mid 1800 dress & attire. The men are wearing wigs. From 1857 (loose plate) "Mr. Sparkler under a Reverse of Circumstances" by Phiz (Hablot K. Browne) from the Charles Dickens's book titled Little Dorrit.

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Also spending journey accompanied by the wonderful book "#Dickens's Katey" which I'm well into.

Pencil in hand to continue my notations!

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In honour of Dickens's birthday (born in 1812) here are some depictions of the man himself by the 'among black-and-white artists', Fred Barnard. They're from the 1879 ed of Forster's Life.

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So I want to create a map of Dickens's journey through Italy. Before I get my pen and rulers out, I have to ask you good people of twitter - *surely* there must be an app or a programme for this? I suspect it's beyond googlemaps, but any suggestions gratefully received!

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to Twitter queries, our Dickens expert, Philip Allingham, has produced a chart of children (see 4 of them below), with links to accounts of each of them. See the power of Twitter! https://t.co/3cO0C6NXYj

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McGuire: Because criticism is so indirect for most of his criticism of the British upper classes for death comes as a severe shock, representing the "true ending" of the novel's social message, which concludes happily for most characters

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Excellent illustrations by for Charles Dickens's 'A Christmas Carol' https://t.co/8ymD4RYf0C

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🎄🦃 On this day 175 years ago, Charles Dickens's 'A Christmas Carol' was first published. It was an immediate success and the initial print run of 6000 had sold out by Christmas Eve

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Charles Dickens's 'A Christmas Carol' illustrated by Arthur Rackham,1915

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Twists & Turns: Discover the streets near home which inspired him to write Oliver Twist! 6 & 31 May: https://t.co/U8F3DP37ZK

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