Brighty on political cartoon gallery in London - - political cartoon gallery in London

10 22

Morten Morland on the No 10 sleaze scandal political cartoon gallery in London - - political cartoon gallery in London

13 28

Early or late to the party, I'm not really sure.

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Brian Adcock: Comedy ego monkey, Boris Johnson, must have a hangover, surely. - - political cartoon gallery in London

10 33

And then, after a slow burn, our Springtime drawn out spells to destroy risible 11 year old evil genius nerd Dominic Cummings matured! To celebrate, the Schadenfreude mini-Challenge was launched! Won jointly by (entering for first time!)...

3 27

And the joint winners of the Challenge are, in no particular order in a queue of 2, this lovely narrative arc from & a poignant retelling of the end of Pinocchio, perfectly reflecting the naational mood, from . Made me laugh too.

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this drawing started off quite controlled, then descended into...

3 22

My entry for ⁦ challenge. The end of the tale for Domminichio

3 14