The BBC today, under Sharp and Davie - no longer the institution that meets the terms of the Royal Charter that defined its purpose and duty to the public - not politicians.

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On the 13th day of Christmas, 441 people died alone in hospitals around the country while our government had a jolly old time, drinking, partying and generally getting hammered.

Wonder what they'll do tomorrow?

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Steve Bell on the Tory response to revelations about - political cartoon gallery in London

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The only fish known to spout toxic drivel - polluting politics since Dickensian times -
‘Victori-anus Carpio
(Uncommon Carp)’

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My cartoon for today. is the sword of Damocles hanging over or will squirm away?

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My cartoon for today. Sleazy, bullying drug taking hypocritical politicians will be after your vote this Thursday.

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