in1869, the most famous of the clipper ships, Cutty Sark, was launched in Dumbarton, Scotland. On return to the UK from her maiden voyage, she carried a cargo of 1.3 million lbs (over 580,000kg) of tea.

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Join us in celebrating Cutty Sark's 150th birthday! And if you live or study in Greenwich you'll get FREE entry to the ship, as well as if you live in Dumbarton where the ship was built in 1869.

Find out more:

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Join us in celebrating Cutty Sark's 150th birthday! And if you live or study in Greenwich you'll get FREE entry to the ship, as well as if you live in Dumbarton where the ship was built in 1869.

Find out more:

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Join us in celebrating Cutty Sark's 150th birthday! And if you live or study in Greenwich you'll get FREE entry to the ship, as well as if you live in Dumbarton where the ship was built in 1869.

Find out more:

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Looking for greater exposure to & or studies? Explore our 1-Month Awards. / relevant final degree holders, apply by October 1 to use Dumbarton Oaks research facilities in the first half of 2020:

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📷: Animal battle! Check out a attacking a deer on this ceramic bowl (BZ.1966.17):

Support research as Managing Editor of Byzantine Studies (& journal editor of Dumbarton Oaks Papers). Apply now:

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2月24日、札幌市内・札幌駅西口アスティ45内アスティホールで開催する同人誌即売会「Elysian36(HP=」にスペースE15・「Dumbarton MFG LTD」で参加します。札幌におられるみなさま、次の日曜日はご来場よろしくお願いします。

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2月24日に札幌市内・札幌駅西口アスティ45内アスティホールで開催の同人誌即売会「Elysian36(HP= )」にスペースE15・「Dumbarton MFG LTD」で参加します。来札・在住のみなさま、次の日曜日です。ご来場よろしくお願いします。

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Have you entered our 📷 competition? Castle, just one of many locations throughout

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本年10月28日(土)、東京・神保町のベルサール神保町で開催の「おもしろ同人誌バザール4」へ「Dumbarton MFG. LTD.」でサークル参加します(未確定)。発行物は乗りものとその乗員、軍人のイラスト集の予定です。みなさまよろしくお願いします。

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