Just over a month left to apply for 2021–2022 Fellowships and Project Grants! Join a vibrant community of scholars in or & Studies.

Apply here by November 1: https://t.co/77o2F4sza8

📖: Dumbarton Oaks Rare Book Collection

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Project support & the investigation of endangered or / materials. Final degree holders, apply by Nov 1: https://t.co/JBpXPoCM32.

📷: Geomagnetic survey of Islamic Garden (Project Grantee Tomasz Herbich).

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Looking for greater exposure to & or studies? Explore our 1-Month Awards. / relevant final degree holders, apply by October 1 to use Dumbarton Oaks research facilities in the first half of 2020: https://t.co/TvnBpwFGRi.

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