Monster Manual Expanded II 2nd Edition Art Preview It's Fiends Galore! This week I'm showcasing the Passion Devil, the Nuckelavee, the Shoosuva Pack Lord, and the Draegloth War Caster!

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Monster Manual Expanded II 2nd Edition Art Preview It's the Day of the Tentacles! This preview features the Ulitharid Supreme, Ancient Morkoth, and Deep Scion Assassin!

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guess what I've finally tried DMing a game; behold a sketch with some of my players (and their tamed Rug of Smolthering; and my first fighting NPC, a young clumsy tiefling)

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Monster Manual Expanded II 2nd Edition Art Preview Looks like it's a week full of Aspects! This week's last preview showcases the Aspect of Graz'zt, in his more 'charming' form, and the terrifying Aspect of Lolth!

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Monster Manual Expanded II 2nd Edition Art Preview I got something special today! Rampaging into this week's last preview is the three-armed giant from the classic Master Set, last seen in 3e MM: the Athach!

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Monster Manual Expanded II 2nd Edition Art Preview Some nasty critters to open up this week's set of previews: the Bone Golem, Wendigo, Greater Vargouille, and Greater Deathlock!

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Monster Manual Expanded II 2nd Edition Art Preview Another classic one gets an art update. This time it's the spellcasting and shapeshifting Aranea!

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Mr. Rai D'Clauwd.. she/her gay copper (oxidized scales) dragonborn fighter samurai who believes magic is sacred & only used by descendants of draconic gods.

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Monster Manual Expanded II 2nd Edition Art Preview A monstrous pair of critters light up this week's preview: the Monstrous Flail Snail and the Monstrous Trapper!

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Monster Manual Expanded II 2nd Edition Art Preview Things dark and dreadful make their way into this week's last art preview: the Dread Allip, Nightshades, and Shadow Mastiff Alpha!

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Monster Manual Expanded II 2nd Edition Art Preview I'm starting August's previews with a pair of fearsome baddies - the Aspect of Tiamat and the classic Bargda!

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Monster Manual Expanded II 2nd Edition Art Preview Several zombies shamble and lurch their way into this week's last set of previews!

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Monster Manual Expanded II 2nd Edition Art Preview Another hellish being from the fiery pits of Avernus is unleashed for this week's first preview, the Aspect of Bel!

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Monster Manual Expanded II 2nd Edition Art Preview Let's have a trio of trios for this week's last set of previews: a trio of Xvarts, Meazels, and Bodaks!

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Monster Manual Expanded II 2nd Edition Art Preview Blazing her way into the first preview of this week is the beautiful and fearsome Aspect of Zariel!

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Monster Manual Expanded II 2nd Edition Art Preview A pair of classic dragonkins round this week's preview: the Greenspawn Razorfiend and the Rage Drake!

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Monster Manual Expanded II 2nd Edition Art Preview Slithering into this week's first preview is the Aspect of Geryon!

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Monster Manual Expanded II 2nd Edition Art Preview Swooping into this week's late preview is the Aspect of Fraz-Urb'luu, Demon Lord of Illusions!

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