画質 高画質

[Projet L'épouse] Lorsque vous entrez à la Harpie, maison de tolérance, vous serez forcément accueillis par celle qui la dirige d’une main de fer. Vous pouvez craindre mais aussi respecter cette femme des ténèbres qu’est Morrigan…

2 7

I bé! Tots els ànecs (autòctons) d'#Europa! Una làmina que podeu descarregar lliurement. Però, com sempre, penseu que això no és fàcil ni barat de fer. Si podeu, feu una aportació a alguna ong del vostre gust a canvi. Us recomano fer-ho al meu instagram a

41 169

Hi! Would you like to has a balloon? They so happy and pretty, and they help cheer away da grumps! made dis pic fer me!

49 315

My breath catches in my throat as Ferghus settles onto the bench. "I'm ready fer ‘Cumber-whatever’," he says, imitating my Canadian accent.

The cart lurches forward and I’m thrown against him. I’m completely mortified, but I refuse to make eye contact.


26 14

🎤 Boníssim dia a tots i a totes! Aquest dilluns us parlàvem una mica d'orange, així que avui toca fer el mateix amb Joc d'heroïnes. Recordeu que totes dues sèries, igual que els volums finals de i els podreu aconseguir a partir de demà. Som-hi!

34 67

"I'd like a beef pie with a side order o' yer best stout. An' I'll wash it down with a tankard o' yuir best ale. Thanks fer askin' fer th' order!"

0 13

my nan said ur a chav innit? ya mams got no dosh? no coupla quid to spare fer a chippy? fuckin mingin. right minge behavya if yew ask me. what she gets for shaggin a tory. er bloke sells packet and e still cant afford nish. bet er bhundas flat as hell tew. right batty she is

7 52

11/? Le Géant de Fer par Laurent Durieux // Mullholand Drive par Kevin Tong

0 6

Colette ❣️(Collab con @/tubbiegordito) [Brawl Stars]

Recalentado de hace rato. Modifiqué un poco las sombras del chaleco porque no me convencían las que había hecho. Tkm Fer

171 1659

OC comm request for Glissier Fer. This character was so much fun, I’m having WAY too much fun drawing crazy expressions!

43 352

Fer the furret
haven't drawn pkmn ocs in awhile

0 16

Fer's main hairstyles are these 2: long hair before shb and short after shb
Besides of the usual meaning of character cutting their hair = character growth, it allowed me to also express my love for jrock even more :) https://t.co/UD5mDuBUyv

0 2

【お知らせ】Japan Comic Art Expo 2023は5月20日(土)、5月21日(日)に東京日本橋・綿商会館にて開催します!

アルゼンチン出身のイラストレーター、Fer Yoshimiya(吉宮 Fer)さんが参加します!


20 63

Zerres and Gabriel
He/His fer both

0 1

Damn... why you llooking so crazy fer

8 75

hi again im lookin fer **interactive** friends hhh im into enstars bandori n atarashii gakko right now. i produce ritsu and izumi and i am a bit insane about ritsumikaizu. 17 and 18 in december. i edit sometimes but very lazy rt/likes are appreciated!!

17 44


sketch comm fer @ Sword_Scream

47 417