過去一年半,我們學懂互相幫忙。 未來一年我們都會繼續不麻木、不氣餒、互相堅守。

13 62

HK freedom fighters treat our fellows as family. Many yellow shops (pro-democracy shops) are helping each other. Helping them sending flowers is a warm act❤️

Thousands of political prosecution, our people are jailed becoz we dare to

13 36

Thank you so much Sen Menendez.

Hong Kong is no longer protected by Sino British Declaration. People are criminalized for fighting for democracy, many had to flee.

Stay or leave, Hongkongers will continue to

US plz
pass the act!

5 11

呢幾日發生左好多事...實在令人好灰,但灰完就繼續行了,唔好放棄! // ig e

27 55




1 8

Dictators can jail our bodies not our soul, mind & determination. We will not give up fighting against tyranny We will only get more united and stronger. Pls continue to

13 35

Dictators can jail our bodies not our soul, mind & determination. We will not give up fighting against tyranny. We will only get more united and stronger. Let’s

51 169

Sincerely gratitude our friends support We is feel very touched.we will continue to stand with Thais.we need stand united. Let’s we will stand with you all & democracy until we prevail.

36 67