framme my best friend framme. my bestie my sister my daughter my self insert my pet my silly RABBIT

49 183

Casual Framme - she’s my MVP in

116 617

Voici donc Framme et son design plus chevaleresque ! Après tout elle est quand même une gardienne sacré donc autant qu'elle soit bien équipée 💪

2 5

Le prochain redesign sera sur Framme 👀 (j'ai déjà fini le concept art manque plus que faire les finitions et les couleurs !)

0 3

ok so apparently even if a unit dies in a training skirmish they aren't lost, but the punishment is far worse than losing them forever: your unit list gets scrambled up and you can't change it back (clanne should be next to framme)

0 6

If TV was a thing in the Fire Emblem universe, this would be Framme's favorite show

3 17

Due amanti felici,non hanno fine ne morte,
nascono e muoiono più volte vivendo
hanno l’eternità della natura
Marc Chagall
Maries au village

15 27

Framme And The Ring of The Holy Knight

55 182

"L'ignorante non si conosce mica dal lavoro che fa ma da come lo fa."

Cesare Pavese

🖌Edvard Munch

11 13