This is not my bed
But a trick
Bade me remain
To lie in it

My father-in-law
Old fox deceit
Toiled for him
In cold and heat

Fourteen years
Plus family strife
Averted had I
But one wife

He tried at end
To make us stay
But a debt full-paid
No more holds sway

4 35

There could be no other life, where can live my life, will find my lost self, breathe in life exhale all the darkness, embrace my forgotten smile again...

3 7

The birds on my grave
singing hymns
in chorus
what bad poor soul
has done
to be deceased
of being
a pure soul!!!

1 3

In a cave of trees
faeries are canopied from
storms the weep blue tears
of crying skies
to pillow them from will o wisps
that night ghost lights
of weary travelers
bogging dreams


12 37

I knew it was time
to let go
of the
paper airplanes
we made

let the memories
melt away

let our love letters
float down
the drain

on scattered winds
I'll soar again

after I unfold
& smooth
the creases
you left
on my
origami brain

12 41

The box outside my door, I have been told, does not exist. It’s all in my head they say. I must crash through the of my fears and walk through them. But...but if I do, they will be sorry...my name is Pandora.


5 36

I am too lazy to sleep, just soft and languid with you by my side
But perhaps I can make the journey if you act as my
You could my I could lay
safely d in your arms; encased in your sobriety

4 48


An owl-eyed child
So meek and mild
But her eyes hid a secret
And her mouth never smiled

2 32

If I rise before my sorrow
I will lift expectations of tomorrow
I will fill the vacuum that
lies beneath
with what I can bring forth
from my soul
And if I see the barren soil
And if I know the sorrow’s toil
I owe it to me from myself
We fall in tears

32 91

If I rise before the sorrow
Can I avoid it in my day
If I move fast enough
Maybe it won’t catch me
But then
The sorrow is within
It will always awaken
Always be with me
Because you are not

For Ryan. I miss you my son.

15 99


I never thought it strange before
To get shy smiles from the girl next door
Not that that was odd, per se
Then her family moved away
No - strange was that it stayed with me
Found her again - my bride-to-be

9 42

We placed his remains
Under a cypress
His favourite tree
Where he could
Rise again
Surrounded by
Shadows of love
Gently caressing
His beautiful soul
With their
Gossamer embrace
Of devotion
Protected eternally by
Crepuscular birds
Of peace

11 40

Something in me tightened like a fist. Tears. walk. Desire to rebuild your soul. Ha! I am like those women who think naked shoulders & transparent negligées can fix a broken heart. Instincts of a simple worshiper of reality. Yet I love you.


19 119

Whispers quietly
Joining the secret of life
The magic of our intellect,
Catch the

Lacey Bryant
Catch the Moon

2 14

It was the day I forgot my phone. I delighted in the waves like a gazelle in the grasslands. Ecstasy. Not that of Saint Teresa of Ávila. A soporific trance. I was dead & alive at the same time.
Above me the morning star innocent as the breast of a young girl.


23 105

a hairy hand gripped my shoulder
kisses choked
sarcastic laughter
impregnates the air
a lonely silky stocking
falls in lassitude
dreams are blue
this autumn comes
without you

20 121

where the vines tangle
in an inseparable
and intricate mess

there lies the secret of compassion
that holds humanity up
not letting others fall
however twisted life gets


7 27

Dark fairy song
Black & White
Rainbows born
I'm spitting venom
Enticing your Soul
Inky waves ride
To bring you home
Parched lips
Lungs needing your air
Make me feel
Your want, my despair
Bruise me, then heal.

28 91


This one was different
Thrice was she cursed
Once by her nature
Twice by its thirst

Not relishing
The lives that she claimed
Each one she fed from
Only deepened the pain

Then came a man
Gave himself willingly
Thrice cursed she wept
As heart's blood set her free

5 39


She circled the words
Stressed the address
Bade her adieu
With the sweetest caress

Just a flabby old fella
With some crazy inventions
So I rarely receive
A hottie's attentions

I show up at seven
With a bottle of wine
Sedated by eight
And rendered by nine

3 39