The Genesis, no. 31 of 1533 NFTs

Title : The sixth Day

Inspired by : The BIBLE - Genesis 1:31 - God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. There was evening and there was morning, the sixth day.

1 9

The Genesis, no. 30 of 1533 NFTs

Title : Herbs for food
Inspired by : The BIBLE - Genesis 1:30 - To every
animal of the earth, and to every bird of the sky, and toeverything that creeps on the earth, in which there is life, I have given every green herb for food." And it was so

0 2

Love this collection because BV has a vision & is executing it… 444 Genesis, antidotes, Alpha21, clones, Harley giveaway, collabs, staking, DAO revenue sharing, IRL utility, HQ, IP rights, industry leading WP, charity initiative🚀

7 12

The Genesis, no. 27 of 1533 NFTs

Title : God created them

Inspired by : The BIBLE - Genesis 1:27 - God created man in his own image. In God's image he created him; male and female he created them.

0 8


{ untitled } has been relisted

I'm honestly glad I delisted the original reserve on time,
this is not only my official genesis, but one of my favourite pieces {link below}↓

Shh Quiet... listen to the audible silence

18 74

The Genesis, no. 24 of 1533 NFTs

Title : After their kind

Inspired by : The BIBLE - Genesis 1:24 - God said, "Let the earth bring forth living creatures after their kind, cattle, creeping things, and animals of the earth after their kind," and it was so.

0 2

The Genesis, no. 23 of 1533 NFTs

Title : The Fifth Day

Inspired by : The BIBLE - Genesis 1:23 - There was evening and there was morning, a fifth day.

0 8

The Genesis, no. 18 of 1533 NFTs

NFT Title : The ruler of day and night

Inspired by : The BIBLE - Genesis 1:18 - And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness. God saw that it was good.


0 8

The Genesis, no. 16 of 1533 NFTs

AI Artwork Title : Two great lights

Creation Inspired by : The BIBLE - Genesis 1:16


1 7

The Genesis, no. 14 of 1533 NFTs

AI Artwork Title : Lights be for signs

Creation Inspired by : The BIBLE - Genesis 1:14


1 10

The Genesis, no. 13 of 1533 NFTs

AI Artwork Title : The third day

Creation Inspired by : The BIBLE - Genesis 1:13


1 9

The Genesis, no. 8 of 1533 NFTs

AI Artwork Title : The sky

Creation Inspired by : The BIBLE - Genesis 1:8


1 7

The Genesis, no. 7 of 1533 NFTs

AI Artwork Title : The expanse

Creation Inspired by : The BIBLE - Genesis 1:7 - God made the expanse, and divided the waters which were under the expanse from the waters which were above the expanse, and it was so.


1 6

Happy STZY Saturday, where is my fam at. Now that we’ve dropped alpha regarding GENESIS DAO getting revenue share for just holding a Genesis token, these ape reveals are even sweeter, it’s all gravy baby.

Check out this latest Genesis, such a mob.…

45 114

One of the bad guys is coming up from behind! (Contra: Hard Corps, Konami, Sega Genesis, 1994)

3 21

詳細 をUPしました!


233 225


Dragon Essence Claims start this week!

If you have a Genesis, Hero, or Super Villain you will be able to claim your FREE Dragon Essence for a limited time!

Stay tuned for more details!

452 832

In the last months we have had several upgrades on our website. We have changed to non-custodial staking and activities.

We urge everyone to remove your Inka Genesis, Conquest or Gods from their old staking and battle contracts!

This will improve further the speed of the dApp.

8 13


Dragon Essence claims start this week! If you have a Genesis, Hero, or Super Villain you will be able to claim your FREE Dragon Essence for a limited time!

More details soon…

877 1613

Good morning everyone, have a great start to the week! ☀️🍀☺️

If you want to have a reserve on my fxhash genesis, Cosmic Jewels, comment with your tez address.

If you want to have a chance to win a free mint or play with variations - go to my 📌 for more info 🙂

11 34