hi 👋 my name is Ira, I'm a freelance artist that loves drawing fantasy and storytelling pieces, as well as fanart and OCs 😊
📎 https://t.co/FTJuOu20UQ
📧 irag.geneve.com

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grappling irons to ‘creep’ the ocean floor catch the rope containing the illegal cargo. Such cargo could include genever (gin) & tobacco. The sailer on the French boat is most upset & shakes his fists as he realises that the harbour patrol is just about to apprehend them.

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Ferdinand Hodler
Graphite pencil, pen and brown ink wash, pen and gray-beige ink wash on white paper (sheet: 114 x 145 mm)
Musée d’art et d’histoire de Genève – Geneva, Switzerland
Purchase, 1939

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The Lore Expands... [ GENEVEVE ] (2/3)

Update on Doujinshi:
Studying Manga Panel work, purchased a scanner for easier sketch transfer.
Trying to figure out what kinks I wanna include.

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Gift from Kath soucie pocket voice actress
Trickmoon was created by geneve hodgson

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Dicho eso, finalmente puedo pedirles, en nombre de Richie y Geneveive que leyan (a partir de la próxima semana) mi nuevo Webtoon "El Fiscal Suavecito".

Y aquí les dejo dos imágenes promocionales más, ¿les gustan?

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With that said, I can finally ask you, in name of Richie and Geneveive, to read my newest Webtoon "The Fluffy D.A."

And here you got two new promotional images, you like them?

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¡Llegó la hora!
Mi nuevo de Webtoon de misterio llevará por nombre "El Fiscal Suavecito" (en la versión de español)

La próxima semana podrán leer los primeros tres episodios. ya después será quincenal (por ahora).

Richie, Geneveive y Platinum Harbor los esperan.

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It is time!
My newest mistery themed Webtoon, "The Fluffy D.A." is coming.

Next week find the first three episodes, then it will be twice a month (for now).

Richie, Geneveive and Platinum Harbor awaits you.

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En esta nueva historia conoceremos a Richard Goodman y Geneveive Hunter, fiscal y policía respectivamente, quienes deberán resolver el asesinato de la estrella más popular del mundo.

Se publicará quincenalmente (por ahora) en ambos idiomas, así que nadie pierde nada.

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Here you got 4 of mine

Samantha Boucher, a healer who got shapeshifting powers by applying her own magic into her body

Briggitte Himmelmann, specialized in necromancy

Eriel Lancaster, specialized in brewing potions

Genevette Pouvre, specialized in brewing potions and cooking

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Immersion dans l'univers de Jean Dubuffet, à travers l'#expo "un barbare en Europe" au à et visite bonus des "Barbus Müller" au Barbier Mueller = 1 billet/2 expos

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wgenever theres a george+shannon scene thats supposed(?) to come across as sweet aside from Anger all i can think of is this

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I found this today, thought of you. Orchis morio L., Anacamptis morio (L.) R.M.Bateman, Green-winged Orchid, Album des Orchidées de l'Europe centrale et septentrionale, by Henri Correvon, Imprimerie W. Kündig et Fils, Geneve. 1899

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Spent the evening avoiding sad thoughts by drawing my fave black-eyed peeps from webcomics!
Clara from APOC
Lysander from Lies Within
Marissa from Lady Crows
Subject 009 from the Geneverse

Read free and have fun. ✨

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Ok folks, the moment of truth:

Pepper or Geneveive?

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Wir stellen vor Karte 31 - Serie 1: Europäische Organisation für Kernforschung. Das CERN ist eine Grundlagenforschungseinrichtung in der Nähe von Genf.

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I saw an outfit & had to put geneveive in it b le a s e

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