Forgot to post yesterday cuz im tired af lol
Day 18: smile smile, Terminus!
Day 19: move the chair. The timeline

30 143

Oh look. Its Furia's sisters turn to draw. So far, we got 2 more to go. Jenos and Vora. So stay tuned for that :)

15 75

Know the meme? neither
Im just kiddin lol. A special gift to Myuria in return of....special vid they made :)
Done this art long time ago when i was away from Discord like a week ago and forgot to post about it :|

2 24

Terminus recolour. Although i wanted to redraw but I'm lazy lol. But i did recolour to cover up half of his faces so still works :)

22 83

To be....or not to be....with a glass of red blood of wine...wait blood? :|
1st time drawin Lillith here. And I'm more excited to get Darkness skin :D

25 113

Yay Atlas got a skin yay...just 2 skin...but it's worth it! He got another skin! :D

11 88

Title title title. So many title choices to add....but i gave up :|
Anyways Darkness wooooo :D
....we're all gonna die.... :(

64 238

"Praying? Scared? Darkness has come for you!"

39 189

Comms of the day by Lummy. Well...there's another one again but different style :v
Anyway, here ya go gettin step on :)

4 19

No new art. Got some comms to do. But a repost of an old art of a very proud two sided coin of Vora. The Seal Guardian and The Harbinger. Hashtag?....eeh why not :v

42 203

3 drawing that i do for usin my new experience pad drawing. I gotta's so painfully hard... :'D
Usually i draw on screen but on pad is...somethin...

1 20

Your queen of Darkness now shown you what her...uh...mouth...look like...
Yagomom by . Gud to be back :)

31 144

Need to be back in a shape. As by shape, i mean drawin lol. And im ok for a long week. But for now, here's a late comms of the day by with Talus hold their OC. Stronk kid i tell ya :v

9 53

Ok. Now im done with Saati dresses that's in the card. Yet so attractive ngl :|
Separate art in the comment :)

23 147

MmmMMMM. Never draw woman this expose before....wait have i done this before...? Anyway, Comms of the day by . It was fun drawing her :D

6 71

The Mecha Skin (AKA Gundam/Evangelion). I recolour my old art which is kinda cringe but the line art is not so that's gud lmao :D

8 44

Much to be decided what to draw. So i draw this instead. So :)
Prince OC by

1 34