Oh god I was so distracted this whole week I totally forgot to post this Guest Comic update by Hethroz from this past Wednesday, it's very good

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The kicks off with the first of the month from the world famous , who proves that Bubble’s more buoyant than ever even after 7yrs!

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It’s a twisted tale that both tugs at and tangles your heartstrings in the finale by for

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The most overlooked trope in history is finally addressed by in the latest Tying up loose ends over at the

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Kids and messes go hand-in-hand as you’ll see in the by the poutine pounder himself, !

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I'm not sure if I'm double-posting here, but I'm looking for and other for the December Hiatus of coming up. More info in the main site here!

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Good Morning Tamberlane Fans! We have a super cute guest comic by Vazelle this week!! # GuestComic

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In case you Patrons forgot....A super cute by Vazelle started on this week!! Make sure to get caught up before the next page posts on Wednesday!!

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Howdy Ho, Patrons! Have you seen the by Vazelle on yet? You get to read it a week before everyone else does, Whatcha waitin' fer?

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Laugh it up, OddBall.
Written and Illustrated by Frenemies Comics!

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