Halloween's crazy drawings week : J-1 ! "The pumpkins driller" Ready to have fun tomorrow night ? 

"Perce-citrouille" pour Halloween !


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Tomorrow's So enjoy this I did for my patrons! You can see the full version here: https://t.co/RhlfOULI1e It's so Spoopy!

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Tomorrow's So enjoy this I did for my patrons! You can see the full version here: https://t.co/2qzLqk5hDH It's so Spoopy!

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Halloween's crazy drawings week : J-2 ! A stonecutter working on... Pumpkins for Halloween : well, she's a pumpkincutter ;)

"Taille-citrouille" pour Halloween pour un.e tailleur.euse de pierre


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Halloween's crazy drawings week : J-3 ! A zoom of the little witch I slightly sketched in the 1st illustration ;)
"Vole-citrouille" entre dérober et voltiger ;)

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Halloween's crazy drawings week : J-7 !
Inspired by the dragon of , this drawing dates from 2008 or 2009 yet I painted over a bit to post it here now :)  

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Most likely my last for 2018 💔

This ones for all of the loonies out there~


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