Art nouveau Commission for of their ff14 character and a fancy red mage npc, based off of The Kiss, by Francesco Hayez

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Happy Valentine's Day to All Our (Art) Lovers 💕⁠

What's your favorite kiss in Art History: Munch, Klimt, Hayez or Toulouse-Lautrec? 💋 ⁠

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Count Colonel Francesco Teodoro Arese Lucini was also a patron of artists and writers.
He was portrayed as a prisoner of the Spielberg by Francesco Hayez in 1828. For him Hayez also made an oil painting - now lost- of the Count of Carmagnola led to torture.

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1476 Galeazzo Maria Sforza, Duke of Milan from 1466, was assassinated by Lampugnani, Olgiati & Visconti (shown in Francesco Hayez's entitled Lampugnani's Conspiracy). Sforza was known for his notorious cruelty & callousness.

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1.Herodias by Paul Delaroche
2.Christ crowned with thorns by G.B. Cima
3.Selfportrait by A. Durero
4.Mary magdalene as a hermit by F. Hayez

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🌊 Faune du calcaire carbonifère de la Belgique
Bruxelles, F. Hayez, impr., 1878-87.

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Canto l'arme pietose e 'l capitano
che l'gran sepolcro liberò di Cristo.
Molto egli oprò co l senno e con la mano,
molto soffrí nel glorioso acquisto;
e invan l'Inferno vi s'oppose...



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Unfinished study of “meditation”by francesco hayez

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"Mediation on the History of Italy" by Francesco Hayez (1850).

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When I am dying,lean over me tenderly,softly,
Stoop,as the yellow roses droop in the wind from the South;
So I may,when I wake,if there be an Awakening,
Keep,what lulled me to sleep,the touch of your lips on my mouth.

✍️Laurence Hope
🎨F.Hayez(Rinaldo e Armida)

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🦴 Faune du calcaire carbonifère de la Belgique
Bruxelles, F. Hayez, impr., 1878-87.

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Happy day!
I turned "The Kiss”(Il Bacio, an 1859 painting by Francesco Hayez) into Vegebul! I’ve loved his art which is representative of Italian Romanticism since I visited Italy over 10 ys ago.🇮🇹


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🦴 Faune du calcaire carbonifère de la Belgique
Bruxelles, F. Hayez, impr., 1878-87.

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🌊 Faune du calcaire carbonifère de la Belgique
Bruxelles, F. Hayez, impr., 1878-87.

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Francesco Hayez, ( Venecia1791- Milán, 1882)...
“Rinaldo y Armida”, (1812)...
Óleo sobre lienzo...
Galería de la Academia, Venecia, Italia...

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'Il Bacio' by Francesco Hayez, Italian artist, b1791 – d1882.

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🕷 Les arachnides de Belgique /.
Bruxelles: F. Hayez, 1882-96.

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