17 June 1775: The British defeat the American at the Battle of Bunker Hill in The colonist inflict significant casualties against the Brits, making the battle a victory for the Americans. https://t.co/XKBsOndF1f

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29 April 711: troops lead by Tariq ibn begin the Islamic of what is modern-day when they land at The First Crusade didn't begin until 1095. https://t.co/NPvlQrW5hS

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19 April 1775: The American revolution begins as troops open fire on American colonist during the Battle of and the first first engagements of the war. https://t.co/O1SU5c8CMj

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19 April 1775: The American revolution begins as troops open fire on American colonist during the Battle of and the first first engagements of the war. https://t.co/O1SU5bR1UL

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12 April 1861: The bombs Fort off the coast of South Carolina, commencing the first shot of U.S. Civil War. The lasted until April 14 when U.S. troops surrendered. https://t.co/oQK7FKiVHB

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12 April 1861: The bombs Fort off the coast of South commencing the first shot of U.S. Civil War. The lasted until April 14 when U.S. troops surrendered. https://t.co/oQK7FKiVHB

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15 Mar 1917: Tsar Nicholas II the throne, ending three centuries of dynasty rule. He is the last Russian A provisional government is formed, though the soon follows. https://t.co/TA3UUatXFA

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13 Mar 624: Muhammad's forces win the Battle of over the in Muslims and the Meccans had fought smaller clashes in the past. The battle was a turning point for Islam.

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13 Mar 624: Muhammad's forces win the Battle of over the in Muslims and the Meccans had fought smaller clashes in the past. The battle was a turning point for Islam.

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21 Jan 1919: After Irish MPs refused to be seated in the parliament, the Irish party Sinn Fein creates its own in declaring independent of Great Britain and sparking the War of

18 27

21 Jan 1919: After Irish MPs refused to be seated in the parliament, the Irish party Sinn Fein creates its own parliament in declaring independent of Great Britain and sparking the War of

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17 Jan 1706: Benjamin is born in He is the youngest boy in a family of 17 children. Among his many accomplishments, he helped draft the Declaration of He died on April 17, 1790.

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14 June 1940: Paris falls to Nazi during World War II. On 10 June, the government had declared an open city. The city would be liberated by the on August 25, 1944.

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