Para acabar el de Whamon, una subespecie que aún no hemos visto.
En el perfil de Hookmon podemos leer sobre la existencia de un Whamon blanco (referencia a Moby Dick) el cual no hemos visto en ningún medio más allá del perfil. Imagen de

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(Captain Hook from Peter Pan)
Captain Cannon
Liquid Bullet

3 18

Houshou Marine and Hookmon

-Captain Hookmon

5 13

CaptainHookmon, Petermon, Tinkermon, Submarimon, and of course Numemon as Sailors

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En una clara referencia a "Moby Dick", el Perfil Oficial del "Capitán" Digimon, Hookmon, menciona a un Whamon blanco al que persigue, al que hemos bautizado como Whamon (White) ⚪️

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En plus pour avoir Sirenmon je dois passer par Hookmon donc c'est parfait également pour compléter (et car j'ai trop envie de reavoir un Hookmon apres autant d'années)

0 0

(Captain Hook from Peter Pan)
Captain Cannon
Liquid Bullet

1 3

Captain Hookmon
(Captain Hook from Peter Pan)
Marine Man
Rage Giga Anchor
Leg Revolver
Pirates Punisher

1 1

(Captain Hook from Peter Pan)
Captain Cannon
Liquid Bullet

1 1

Captain Hookmon
(Captain Hook from Peter Pan)
Marine Man
Rage Giga Anchor
Leg Revolver
Pirates Punisher

1 1

I just found out Regalecusmon I'd a pirate. Too bad the Pendulum Z doesnt have Captain Hookmon.

3 13

Captain Hookmon
(Captain Hook from Peter Pan)
Marine Man
Rage Giga Anchor
Leg Revolver
Pirates Punisher

1 0

04: Powdered minotaur horn is a potent aphrodisiac. The Emperor is so reliant on it that he has declared Minotaurs to fall under poaching laws. Unfortunately, one stands in the way of your goal, and killing it would be an act of treason. What do you do?

0 1

03: A tailor who has discovered silk made from nymph hair has created a fashion craze in the capital. Hordes of adventurers brave the forest depths to bring back live nymphs for enslavement. Will you join the hunt, or bring the tailor's business to an end?

1 2

15 min doodles of Dorumon, Hookmon and Phascomon!

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pokemon: we can't get THAT weird. we have standards
digimon: heh.... caldendamon and captain hookmon

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