Mudrock is calling out Kazimierz for discrimination against the infected. The post flopped with 1 upvote.

3 16

Ellie and Joel fight the infected.

0 0

Istina is calling out Iberia for discrimination against the infected. The post flopped with 1 upvote.

1 4

Welcome to Toris, the city of infected...

DARKEATEN is a webcomic coming sooner than you may think, more details below👇

2 6

Phantom just donated 40.000 LMD to a homeless infected. Bless them.

8 36

And I keep buying and buying and buying.

Had to get An Physical and also an Infected.

But I also bought an !

I think I make myself clear on what I'm bullish about 😅

3 25

WE.... Are....THE UNDEAD ARMY...

Welcome to the infected...
... You're one of us now...!

9 17

Uh oh– looks like Loux has been infected.

I have to say, this was actually pretty entertaining. Love the way these two came out 👍🏽

0 0

PSA: As the winter weather rolls in, please refrain from using traditional cyndaquil heaters! Indoor burning comes with the risk of CO poisoning! These heaters may also cause their sinuses or pores to become infected.

6 53

"Well, theres some benefits that come with being infected! You don't really need to eat regular food anymore, and you require less sleep when you're infected. You also gain abilities that aren't possible when you're human! I just want to share that with everyone, basically!"

0 5

"Uh... It was something alright.... I wasn't quite as lucky as the others who were painlessly infected..but let's not talk about that! My main focus is getting Mark to trust me again so he can become one of us, so yeah, I guess I do plan on infecting others!"

0 5

"Yeah, I'm infected... I know I'm supposed to, like, blend in and all that jazz but I don't wanna hurt anyone! I'm here for friends!"

1 7

I’m a. I’m infected. ’s idea YOU DID THIS (btw it’s my human Leo design and randy Cunningham)

11 67

How the heck is it deadly when you get awesome powers? Yeah, so Hayden has a cool looking blade boomerang now. Effective when used correctly. Not cool is the fact the guns you get from the fallen soldiers have a time limit cause you are infected.

0 0

TL;DR AR!Infected is not real but is a representation of the infection in AR!Lego's mind. Therefore, AR!Lego is the only one who can see and hear AR!Infected. (5/5)

4 35

dummie dummie idea
(i just like the idea of giving us a "hard mode" if we get B-19 infected. this is just a crappy concept with zero effort on it)

1 2

The only off-ramp for russia is decolonization.

Virtually all russians are imperialists. They are ALL infected. Most are ethnofascists. Their schooling system and their culture made sure of that. Ask any russian about decolonization and watch them squirm or get aggressive.

94 414

hollow knight oc! he's a bard who was exiled from the grimm troupe once he got infected. also he drops a charm when he dies (no idea what it does yet, figuring that one out)

5 20

K132: mech non infected.
Nivanh Chanthara氏によるコンセプト・アート。

10 44