🔥 The Second Batch of "Artificial flow Collection (Volume 1)" is live!

➡️6 artworks / 2nd edition each.

⤵️ Link:

4 16

🚨🚨 Sellers are excluded from the holders reward program. 🚨🚨

What to do:
🎉Hold 15 million Shadow and receive 2 million Shadow reward. (2xrp)🎉

Holders drop 12 April 2023

Sologenic Dex

3 6

🔥 Thanks so much for purchasing the first edition of the "Artificial Flow" collection, Volume 1. This means a lot to me! Thanks for making this possible! Many blessings to all of you! ♥️

2 12

GM Polar fam, hump day is here 🙄, Attack it.

We are halfway to the weekend!

Sending positive vibes🙏, go out and smash it.

7 12

Beautiful Day XRPL Community. 🌞

These 2 awesome XCHIBI CITIZENs are looking for a new home.


To join:
✨Comment your OG XRPL NFT and tag them.

Would be great to see some XRPL Love. ❤️🎨

65 73

❣️❣️ SOLD ❣️❣️
Alice In Monet’s Waterlilies sold for 199 XRP on

Strangeling Rewards Point Value: 299

Congrats and Thank You to

3 9

XDUDEz are beginning to rollout now as planned. We've not heavily advertised them purposely due to buyer sentiment but if you mint any you'll be getting dropped an Airspin for 1 xyZombie at the end of May!!! Mutated xZombies Check em out!

27 37

GM Polar fam, hump day is here 🙄, Attack it.

We are halfway to the weekend!

Sending positive vibes🙏, go out and smash it.

2 16

Another TGT custom completed !!
Minting soon !! 🔥💯
Owner :

3 12