Les tonalitats verdoses i blavoses que el mar desprèn, riques en associacions romàntiques i decadents (i el sentit de grandiositat que comporta), desperten malenconia i misteri, com ho feien les idees de en l'època blava.
Matisos brillants!👇🏻

16 52

Made Hai-Dee in this hair style as well

4 56

“Un fiore sboccia per la sua stessa gioia.”
Oscar Wilde

Gustave Caillebotte, l’impressionista giardiniere

Petit Genneviliers,1890-91
Marguerites, (1892)
Iris bleus, jardin du Petit Genneviliers,1892
Orchidees dans la serre du Petit Genneviliers,1893

12 17

Hey so uh, I tried to edit the FNF Boyfriend idle sprite to look more like since I thought they look like in a way. (Please note that I am more of a paper artist and this is one of my first times editing digitally, please bare with me)

5 41

guess who has art tag now (◐‿◑)

9 149

Voici deux refs de mes OC, mes deux p’tits roux hihi
Je sais pas trop où je peux poster mes refs (et si ca interesse des gens ?)
Vous avez des idees ? Parce que un site au final je sais pas si c’est foufou
J’ai cree un insta pour les adopts aussi si ça vous dit !

1 2

Small doodle of baby Rookidees because I randomly encountered 's post about Ravens nesting in their mailbox

Just a lil' thing

5 37

Feb 01, 2015. By: Fhastina
[19 Yeahs!] [3 replies] (EU)
"PokeFusion : Artikodin + Kabuto. Commentez vos idees ! ^.^"

0 0

Eren: father when can I leave to be on my oWn
Erwin: i got a whole worLduSsy
Levi: thAnk you daDdy, i knew you wouldn't say no
Armin: great advEntures await deeskideeskideeskidee https://t.co/MhyLiHqtXs

1 10

Another Friday! Home alone? What if we told you how much we do or do not like Kiniro Mosaic, as well as this anime season's Must Sees and Avoidees? Sounds great here you go!!!

Spotify: https://t.co/rNkt15frCp
RSS feed: https://t.co/O5lbKxvghp
Direct DL: https://t.co/h3I69HxBYz

6 12

Aquest àlbum il·lustrat sobre l'amistat i les diferències i els prejudicis i el que passa quan enderroquem els murs i ens obrim a l'altre és una petita virgueria escrita per i dibuixada per ❤️ 💥 Idees per als Reis

15 43

Més aviat estic treballant aquestes idees. 💃🌹🌸

0 1


6 18



0 0

All in favor in banishing Panda to the Shadow Relm..cause she has me on the floor rn. Someone get this woman her own show cause my siiideess..😭😭#AnimeAfterDarkCH

0 0

Nador's refugees, artistic creation mobility, cross-border scriptures, and censorship in art - illustrated by Carole Hénaff for IDEES digital magazine.

0 0

2 activitats infantils coincideixen avui (17.30 h) a les del districte:

📚 "Contes desexplicats" amb (Bibl. + 4 anys) https://t.co/FpC471ly22

👩‍🔬 "Les idees de l'Ada" (Bibl. 7-10 anys) https://t.co/TPZOMLr3D7

1 2