A thank you piece to these stiny news reporters for helping me stay in the loop and making it easier for me to stay in tune with this community. 🙇‍♂️

Get drawn, nerds.

26 178

Decided to work on Hai-Dee instead of leaving it just as a sketch. I really like her design, will hopefully get it done later this week 💜

20 125

Haha, yeah, concepts.... yeah...

I totally didn't just do these on a whim, definitely not.


5 98

part two cuz they also deserve love

16 111

Scuffed Doodle 🤓📝#7
👾-👾-💬 - ⚡️

17 183

the TVS crew, but it's the Anchorman

13 103


Si és un amant de Harry Potter:
– El cicle de Terramar, d’Ursula K. Le Guin
– La llum fantàstica, de Terry Pratchett
– El castell ambulant, de Diana Wynne Jones


8 13

wanted to take a break from working on my model! ~

27 361

Not me speed running 10 minute sketches before work again 😂😂😂

Not sure how I want to decorate this one, maybe some like... computer/AI asthetics, coupled with some flowers maybe??? Dunno where Ill take it yet

11 111

noa l'ours ( ouais c'est nul mais j'essaye de me changer les idees si vous voyez ce que je veux diiiiiire 🧩🧩🧩)

1 43

A quick edit after the VR stream morphed a bit.
Team Co-Hai!

7 38

I wanted to draw these two a while back but couldn’t do to motivation but here we are.

6 40

Congratulations on the debut & ! You guys did amazing 💕

here was some quick sketches I made!

21 184