Not really, no. At least not if you're asking about other people. I have other websites and resource books I utilize, but that's all I have the time or energy for.

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Well, if you're a visual person like me, I would suggest a magnet-friendly whiteboard for flowcharting, organizing chapter details, and making lists all 'at a glance'. A smaller similar option is Literature & Latte's Scapple program.

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Nothing currently available for purchase. I do have several projects 'in the works' however. We'll see if NaNo gets my butt in gear.

The Kendrick Chronicles: Book 1 - Twisted Fate
And tentatively-titled:
(Spin-off) (C & N)
(Spin-off) (S & ?)
(Spin-off) (K & J)

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Editor - nope, not at that point yet. Considering working with down the road though.
Designer - Eh, I may find a new one that will work with me for Series covers.
Book Formatting - Possibly, if I can't make it look awesome myself.

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is one of them. My husband is the other. We'll see if I develop any more fans after I re-publish I guess.

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For my own enjoyment? About 30 years ago. 🙈 I started a fanfic based off my first rock concert experience & my best friend at the time couldn't get enough of it. It morphed into over 20 notebooks & then a spin-off version in a couple binders too. Still got em.

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🎃October 2021 Thread🎃

Hey, I'm Kel and I write rock fiction. I previously had two works self-published, but I've since taken them down for rewrites into 1st person. I'm hoping by the end of the year to have Book 1 ready to re-publish. 🤞

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Day 30:

I honestly loved every authors' characters who played this month.😊

I'm gonna give a shout-out to for her character Cyras & for her character Eden. These two characters just especially stood out to me & drew me in.😊

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Ohhh, I'm not gonna play favorites. Everyone that played is awesome!
That said, if you want more character roleplay you can check out next month and keep your book babies active while you enjoy more questions here too. Everyone is welcome! 😁

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Day 29:

Ocean: *shakes his head with a chuckle* I am not that wise, honestly. And no one would think to ask me for advice or wisdom. I am simply a pretty spell. *shrugs*

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Melissa: *rolls her eyes with a laugh* You're on your own. Fly or fall. I don't care which just stay out of my way and my business.

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Day 28:

Ocean: *thinking* Perhaps, my cat, b/c he is my only friend. I honestly do not have anyone else I am close to or care enough for to actually give my life for.

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Day 27:

Ocean: *gets very quiet & goes rigid* *takes a deep breath & slowly exhales* Ending up living on the streets again.

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Melissa: *crosses her arms, giving you an unamused look* No. You don't get that information from me. I don't know you. *smirks, gets up and walks out*

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Day 26:

Ocean: If I am in the brothel, I handle the problem the same way I would someone who wronged me, by not immediately reacting. I go to the Madame as soon as I can, tell her,& she handles it for me. If I try to handle it myself it could lead to more trouble.

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Day 25:

Ocean: Determined. I am determined to keep the life I have now and that determination keeps me fed, keeps a roof over my head, keeps me as safe as someone like me can possibly be.

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Day 24:

Ocean: The fact that the circumstances of one's birth denotes their entire position in life & society. A b*stard can rarely rise above their station. Most b*stards end up working in brothels like myself since it's one of the few ways we can make a living.

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Day 23:

Ocean: I do not react, that could put me in an even worse situation. I go to the Madame as soon and quickly as possible & tell her privately what has happened, then she takes care of it for me & I never have to worry about the one who wronged me again.

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