In nasu baba is a with dark purple skin and the features of an ugly old woman resembling an eggplant with teeth. She haunts a temple complex on Mount Hiei, usually lurking in dark rooms to avoid being seen. Despite her wild and...


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In donotsura is a headless whose strange face appears on its torso. Little is known about this creature but it featured on many yokai picture scrolls. It may be based on a play on words that translated as 'lowering a face.'


7 43

In there is a known as akateko that takes the form of a red, disembodied child's hand. It drops from the branches of Japanese honey locust trees to 'surprise' those below. Aside from the extreme creepiness of this yokai, it is believed...

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Consistency is not my thing apparently 😅 It's fine tho! I'm messing around and trying to figure out what I like & there's nothing wrong with that

1 9

In there are many tales of giant These supernatural creatures can resemble regular animals but are enormous in size. There are also many other strange giant yokai phenomena. I've put together this thread to share some of them.


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No.54:Kappa in "Araya" or "Aradani"

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In kamikiri mushi are a type of magical insect with razor-sharp hands & beak. They sneak into homes & cut off people's hair, often while they're sleeping. Some believe that kamikiri attacks are to prevent people unknowingly marrying a yokai.


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Ukiyoe prints often depicted in scenes from and/or kabuki plays. This one by Nansuitei Yoshiyuki (1863) depicts actors Fujikawa Tomokichi III (right) as the spirit of a monster serpent, and Onoe Tamizo II (left) as Yurugi Saemon.

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Please take a look if you like!
kappa-only youkai Encyclopedia
No.45:A kappa named Okesa in Toda

28 75

In Tennyo are heavenly beings who appear as extraordinarily beautiful women. Tennyo sometimes fly down to earth wearing magical feathered kimonos. There are many tales in Japan of love stories between Tennyo and human men. Similarly to...


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In there is definitely a for every occasion. When it comes to fruit, I present suika no bakemono, which appears as a watermelon-headed samurai. Unfortunately very little is known about this strange supernatural creature. It comes...


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Here are some fabulous kitsune (supernatural foxes) by my favourite artist and writer . You can see more of his work, learn about yokai and find info about his books at

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In Japan there is a famous ghost story about Okiku, a servant who was killed and thrown down a well. Her haunting voice could be heard coming from the well night after night, tormenting her killer in revenge.

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Today I have been re-watching the Studio Ghibli film Pom Poko. It's all about tanuki, which are real animals but also a shapeshifting trickster in Tanuki are well known for their curious talent involving their magically expandable...


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Art for event where main character meets Okuri-Inu, yokai who follows travelling people but attacks them only when they appear tired or trip and fall during the journey.

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In when the tsubaki tree (Japanese camilia) reaches old age (usually about 100 years old) it develops a spirit & becomes a It is then able to detach from the host tree & use its mysterious powers to bewitch humans. The tsubaki...


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In Kodama are the spirits of trees. While they are attached to specific trees, they can also move freely through forests often appearing as glowing orbs of light. In some accounts they present as regular trees but with the ability to...


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