For every 300 or more pins I find, I might find a needle. They are rare and this is all I have. The little pewter needle case is missing it’s top, but dates from the 16th–17th century.

30 336

1位 Oranges & Lemons 29%
2位 Skylarking 27%
3位 Black Sea 26%
4位 English Settlement 18%

「Black Sea」

23 175

The reason you need steel toe caps when Mudlarking is because these little fellas are shin height and prepared to murder if they mistake a shiny pebble for one of their eggs

0 0

“Marvel’s is a flarking masterpiece…one of the best experiences we’ve played this year and a serious contender for Game Of The Year.” Via = https://t.co/2wkHm2BkGE

65 776

A little Friday sketch of my nieces larking about You can see the process Reel over on my Insta page if you want Taylor Swift in your head all day 🎶 ✏💕

0 5

(Peter Quill day dreaming n hums mario 3 overworld)
"Oh I see the Raccoon Su-"

Rocket whips out his gun: Don't even flarking think about it, Quill.

1 8

Delightful illustration of by local artist and illustrator . Thanks Rosie 😊

Visit the Cathedral this summer to see our exhibition which brings pages from Lara's forthcoming book to life with finds from the Thames foreshore. Link in bio.

7 40

Oranges & Lemons_XTC……☆

0 1

BARD & BARBARIAN has a serialized audio edition over on my Patreon, and a new chapter just dropped. Ch10: "Larking in Brindleby" is available for some tiers, while Ch6: "Turn on the Charm" has unlocked for others. https://t.co/7UIzHZzAIp

1 4

A sailmaker’s palm. This lead disc fits perfectly in my palm and the surface is worn and pitted from the needles pushed against it during its working life. It was held in place by a piece of thick leather and worked as a thimble. C.1500-1800.

33 353

Waste of an glazier found during at On a print by Jan Luyken (1694) you can see these panes were produced originally as large discs and cut into smaller pieces at the building site.

3 9

Thanks to Brian, one of my followers on Instagram, I now know this shard came from a German Rareren jug made c.1596 by the prolific potter Ian Emens Mennicken. The applied relief eight local aristocratic coats of arms and an inscription, see comments for translation

21 242

The Caterpillar King from Em Nishizuka's "Insect Decoration" book. Signed copies at akatako. Artwork is "Sprouting Box Garden".

4 9

How "larking in the servants' hall" led to a knitting needle in the brain - an astonishing cautionary tale from the records of , reported in 1879: https://t.co/KDoGWikCiY

11 13

Dost thou seek the Mummer Man?
Larking in the gimcrack land?

27 273

Political token mimicking a commercial token inviting the holder to redeem it at Newgate jail where the 4 named men were held for sedition for publishing a book on the rights or ordinary citizens. Found on my 1st visit back to the foreshore after Lockdown 1 last year

26 317

These are 18th century clay wig curlers, some broken, all found on the Thames foreshore. Did you know they set the curls in hair by wrapping it around these curlers then baking it in a pastry crust. Ingenious!
(See comments for quote)

26 187

Going mudlarking, I have my permit And read all the do’s and don’t’s. I’m a newbie, if you see me say hello. Hopefully it will be a great first time

0 0

When DRK still hasn’t been fixed but WAR gets buffed

Kleiz Screm

🎨 @/Larkingy

1 2