Google and Apple have removed from their maps, something the Israeli occupation has been wishing since long time!

Cartoon by: Carlos Latuff

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Pro-Israeli organization AIPAC has expressed solidarity with black people in the U.S. while it supports apartheid against Palestinians.

Cartoon by: Carlos Latuff

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Ah! Sabiam que foi um cuckold brasileiro um dos maiores difamadores do povo Ucrâniano?

Sim, a viúva da URSS

Nosso querido Carlos Latuff aquele que desenha suástica em todo mundo que ele não gosta

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Justice for George Floyd, by Carlos Latuff.

“May his memory inspire and encourage us all to fight police brutality, racism and fascism, in the United States or elsewhere.“

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Latest cartoon by Brazilian cartoonist Carlos Latuff depicting the situation in the Naqab region, occupied Palestine, where over 100,000 live in village unrecognized by the Israeli government, with turning this terrible situation into a disaster.

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Na véspera do Dia da Consciência Negra, um pulha qualquer do PSL destruiu esta charge do Latuff (exposta na Câmara) q mostra PM atirando num negro. Deputados vão acionar o Conselho de Ética, mas se a gte der atenção pro asqueroso, faz com q ele ganhe votos entre os reaças.

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3). Perhaps this will clarify things. Brazilian cartoonist tweeted: “The shadow of swastika over with his of encouraging fascism— Keep in mind Latuff also did this cartoon of communists punching out Uncle Sam.

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A sleuth on another thread traced it to this image by Brazilian cartoonist Carlos Latuff. In other news, I hate the internet.

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is a great cartoonist. it's supposed to make you uncomfortable.

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Η Τουρκία είναι η χώρα με το υψηλότερο μορφωτικό επίπεδο φυλακισμένων..
Σκίτσo:Carlos Latuff via

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Latuff: a peculiar maneira do Ocidente de ver charges sobre religiões

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Brezilyalı karikatürist Carlos Latuff, Gezi Parkı direnişini çizdi.

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