Salah satu pertimbangan bagi teman-teman Muslim saat berkunjung ke Jepang berkaitan dengan babi yang merupakan salah satu sumber protein yang umum dikonsumsi di sana. Jadi tidak ada salahnya kita bertanya dengan sopan saat hendak membeli makanan ya. 😊

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Adzan subuh sebentar lagi berkumandang. Teman-teman yang sudah sahur jangan tidur dulu ya. Yuk kita laksanakan solat dulu! 😊

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Why not trying to read a in Japanese? Original language must excite you more.

Jujutsu Kaisen [Vol.0-15 Manga Set (Set of 16 comics)]

For make it easy to read, we can help with

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Ada yang bilang rasa cinta itu harus diutarakan, sebelum kena tikung dan janur kuning digantung. Tapi gimana ya caranya menyatakan perasaan pada orang Jepang? 🤔

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🔵 Advanced Manga Lesson with Yumikoさん and Ryuuさん!

💮 When your friend often forgets things, you can say "きみは、ものをわすれがちですよ。"(= You are apt to be forgetful!)

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This is an image of Japanese breakfast, but this is a meal served at a hotel or inn. In reality, Japanese people eat simpler foods, and it is said that about 20% of people do not eat breakfast.

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describes something toasted,well-baked

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【 プルプル・puru puru 】

describes something thick or melting

creme caramel🍮

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Chocorooms/Kinoko no yama is a mushroom-shaped chocolate snack♪
Kinoko no Yama es un dulce de chocolate con forma de hongo.

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I like the anime of Kyorochan♪
Me gusta el anime de Kyorochan ♪

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Apollo is strawberry chocolate.
I love this cute package design.
Apollo es un chocolate de fresa.

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【 栄養ドリンク・eiyōdorinku 】

energy drink

栄養 (えいよう eiyō) = nutrition

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Happy Monday from It’s cold outside, so put on your favorite mafuraa and tebukuro to stay cozy in 2019. This week: "How are winter-related things called in Japanese?"

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The Fisherman and the Kappa...a moral Macho Man lesson

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We'd like to welcome our new sponsor, Dr Moku () - Learn Hiragana, Katakana and Kanji in one hour!

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【 コーヒーフロート・kōhīfurōto 】

iced coffee float

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