Here's the animated version of the Tick-Tock Bird

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Worked on creatures and animation for and the Nightmare Fiends this week!

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Hell, is being downright responsible by holding onto the reindeer as well as he is. Also, can we bring back the phrase "dash to pieces?" Also also, McCay really seems to know when detailed backgrounds are important and when you can just use a flat color.

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Did the word "cute" mean something different in 1905 than it does now? Does this read strangely to anyone else? I'm still blown away by McCay's command of form, figure work, detail, etc. Just about very panel of this strip could be framed and put on a wall.

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Last strip, I remarked we seemed to be seeing the classic Coca-Cola Santa that would dominate popular consciousness. This time, he looks a bit less typical in his accouterments. The blue pants and hat shape aren't classic. The polar bears are very Coke though.

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The classic ending. Love his face. McCay does "freaked out kid" very well and it always gets more exaggerated/cartoony. Also, Nemo's diet sounds atrocious. This time, he ate doughnuts right before bed. He WILL get to Slumberland eventually, right?

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And "Lunatix" appears to Would you trust a character with that name? Sounds Liefeld-ian. To be fair, it's almost certainly a play on "Lunar" rather than "Lunatic" though there is a shared origin. I wonder what about the art process makes Lunatix/the moon more faint?

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I'm starting to think is a bit dense. You'd think he'd start to realize he's dreaming when his world ceases to make sense. Also, is it coincidence that "Bulzubb" is pretty close to the devilish "Beelzebub?" Probably, as Nemo is the wicked one here. As we'll see...

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Eyyyy we did it! Little Nemo for the NES with improved (?) graphics for the main character!

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'In the Night Kitchen'
(1970- Maurice Sendak)

In which 3 Oliver Hardys chase a naked child through a Windsor McCay kitchen city, forcing him to create clothes & an airplane out of dough only to be foiled by milk.

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pencils to color, panel of "Return To Slumberland” Words Shanower, lines me, colors

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