The Hielg - half giant, half elf. Enter the endless divide and you have breached their kingdom. Smaller than other giants but perhaps twice as deadly, masters of the magical arts and just as good with a bow as any elf.

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Firehorn - A tempestuous young baron from the Western Isles who's father once had a claim for the throne. He believes he is the rightful leader of the dragons, but is too foolish to plot in the shadows.

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Spirit Wings - Known for their near silent, wingless flight. The Spirit Wings were instrumental in the eventual destruction of the giant army during the reign of The Black Queen.

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The battle of Drumga Pass - At the eve of the solar moon when The Black Queen took her last breath the elder took to the skies with whatever allies they could gather and battled for their place on the throne.

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Well. I have something for olds
Do you remember this?

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