Various sweets to collect in Liver Land Halloween. You can either save them for the festivities, or consume them for permanent stat boosts! (Names are listed on the right)

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Poppo the Stone Explorer returns as a shopkeeper. He sells equipment at fair prices. He can be seen as stone-cold, and he didn't even wear a costume for Halloween!

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This is Veldi, the Demon Girl Scout, and the shopkeeper who charges ridiculous prices for candy. She doesn't like Tin, because he was chosen as Meen's assistant.

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Okay! Today I finished Meen's artwork (Shadow Eclipse Costume won the poll) and her in-game sprite in Liver Land Halloween! Wonder what next week will bring...

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Tree returns in Liver Land Halloween! Her costume is a Water Witch. She'll be a playable character, alongside Tin, as they gather sweets for the festivities!

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Tin returns in Liver Land Halloween! There aren't any game pages up yet, but I'll keep posting my progress often!

(Tin's costume is a Pumpkin Pirate Mummy)

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Working on tilesets and stuff for my Halloween project! Here's one of the areas.

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A rug, table, and poster based on Wand.

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A rug, table, and poster based on Tin.

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All 8 playable main characters from Liver Land!
There's Tin (front and center), Wand on his right, Tree on his left, Winker (eye monster), Blip, Sheepila (sheep vampire), Beeze (bee), and Nizo (puppet).

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Summer is too hot... But that makes cold drinks more enjoyable!

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First Day of Summer! You know what that means...
Sitting at home making games!
But for those of you going on adventures, have fun!

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(Liver Land Character)

A beenion who was given his name as an insult by his fellow coworkers. Beeze decides to abandon his post, since he didn’t like serving his queen. He wonders if he made the right choice, though…

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Beware the Cube Drones! They'll stack up buffs, and before you know it, your whole party is wiped!

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(Liver Land Character)

Greis The Deathly is Chrod’s younger, energetic brother. Causes more mischief than destruction; his various crimes are theft, vandalism, insulting royalty, unleashing monsters, sabotage, etc.

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(Liver Land Character)

Chrod The Deathly is seriously determined to ruin Livers' lives, and destroys zones as much as he can. He may seem composed, but he can lose his temper surprisingly quickly.

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