Noo, why he look so pretty? It's not fair 😣😣

(Have to recognize the art in LoSH is very pretty, and I loved it when they had one artist per panel for two issues for some kind of special or something)

0 7

Well I'm back to my "LoSH are annoying and they should never interact again with Jon" With only two exceptions.

0 3

LoSH be like Jon is the greatest and blah blah blah, meanwhile Jon is in his hundredth crisis. And im not talking about a crisis with villains or something.

1 14

Had some fun with this one. Enjoyed working on expressions and the colors with this one. Be carful around Infectious Lass Triplicate Girl, it can get slimy.😅

0 1

u know what. fine. ill take it. its nice to see multiple losh characters in a pride comic.

0 3

Before you know it 'PLOIK' the week will be over!
Nura saves the day in LoSH Giffen/Levitz/Mahlstedt Anyone remember what dead hero Nura inadvertently rescues (seemingly)?

3 27

Paul Levitz, Daniel HDR and Marc Deering bring us the death of a Legionnaire in LoSH Despite the build-up and the change of heart of EarthMan, I was relatively unfazed by his death. Your thoughts?

2 41

It is indeed, Sensor Girl, prior to her revelation, in LoSH I intentionally avoided giving away the sleeve color as I thought that made the answer too obvious.

2 14

LoSH by Levitz, LaRocque, DeCarlo, reuniting Andy, Val, Jeckie and even Lyle in a very special pre-Universo Project issue. Beautifully scripted and tying Jacques to his legacy. Love this flashback tale! Plus a Lightle cover... of course!

9 63

Really wish we could the Book based on again. This way we can get more romance.

is moving along nice. Its going to be strange when TV at crossover happens.

0 7

LoSH 7/87: Polar Boy gets elected Leader, and as the ultimate Legion wannabe, Brek's election resonates in me as a lifelong fan. Cover by Byrne/Kesel and an issue delivered by Levitz, LaRocque and DeCarlo. Honestly some of Greg's best work, IMHO.

4 36

ok, Bendis' LOSH doesn't have the best story, but its Jon Kent is 🔥🔥🔥

1 11

this is the type of style I'd go with for a retro future style.

0 3

IMPULSE誌 LoSH回 バートかわいい

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