My version of Jon Kent (Superboy II), Kryptonian cells accelerate the development of his body.

If I drew Damian it had to be Jon next

12 41

[in the name of ... krypton? wait--]

doodle doodle

447 1542

(2/3) took that way from her, just like how they ruined Nejire's moment in S4, when she held back Rikiya for 20 minutes ALL BY HERSELF, who's Quirk was Nejire's Kryptonite, but the anime just changed it so it's her AND Ryukyu did that together
Second, they made her Quirk looked

0 0

I'm really looking forward to trying out this cosplay makeup tutorial for XiShogunnyan!
Original: Krypton

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Kryptonians!!! *Lex Luthor angrily shaking his fist* (some reposts)

52 329

have this headcanon that clark has a stuffed animal from krypton that he cannot and will not be seperated from and it's atrocious and i just decided that it looks like this guy. look at his eyes

0 4

Glr é sério não faz sentido a Kara dizer q não tem nome, especialmente q poucas pessoas lembram q ela é kryptoniana e fora q no issue anterior ela desabafa q não incluem ela na superfamily aí vão lá é querem tirar o nome de nascença dela ??

0 5

Superman practica artes marciales kryptonianas, ademas de lo que aprendio de sus amigos.
Es comun para Supes perder el primer round, casi es un tropo del personaje

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Such a wicked look at Brainiac, The Collector of Worlds 🧠🧠🧠

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Habiendo visto varias iteraciones y adaptaciones, sigo pensando que la versión de Krypton de Byrne es la superior. Visual, pero por sobre todo, conceptualmente dentro del mito de Superman

2 9

James Gunn explica o porque de dirigir o ‘SUPERMAN: LEGACY’, além de escrever o roteiro:

“Eu vi um caminho centrado na herança do Superman - como seus pais aristocráticos kryptonianos e seus pais fazendeiros do Kansas informam quem ele é e as escolhas que faz.”

9 139

[C] Giganta toys with Superman

Commission for DG

With her kryptonite ring, she's unstoppable!

Giganta & Superman © DC Comics

If you're reading this, support me on Ko-fi if you want <3

14 137

Superboy Prime is definitely one of the highest tier natural kryptonians we got.

Theory wise, he can go toe to toe with the likes of Dr. Manhatten and Mr. Myxlplyx

1 2

kryptonians and muslces. huh

19 52

Learning kryptonian :)

534 3459


(DC VS Dragonball)

-Location: New Krypton

Who wins, and why?

3 13

[C] Giganta's kryptonite kisses

Commission for DG

Superman is in grave danger now, not even his amnesia kisses can save him this time.

Superman & Giganta © DC Comics

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