Alien & Alien3~44 cards, split into 22 card major arcana + two colouring books

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My motion poster for Alien (1979)
Static design by Silver Ferox
Music composed by COAG Music

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Hi! I hand-draw & art in pencil, crayon and pastels.

Signed prints (up to poster size) and canvases can be bought from my Etsy store and delivered anywhere (except LV426).


I also have original drawings for sale. 🙂

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Time to show my fourth illustration included in the published by and .

Today, Russ Jorden is about to get into a big trouble 😰🥚

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💀“At this moment of our civilization, we can create cybernetic individuals, who in just a few short years will be completely indistinguishable from us. Which leads to an obvious conclusion: we are the gods now.”🎨Juan Ferreyra💀#Prometheus

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Detail from my illustration "Building Better Worlds", part of the ALIENS Artbook - out now in the UK and available for pre-order in the US from Titan Books.

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Indeed a dilemma... but I choose Giger, as I love the Alien / SciFi films, especially the ones directed by Ridley Scott and James Cameron... Still want to know how it all connects to the Space Jockey in the Derelict found on LV426

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Where it all began. H.R. Giger's Necronom IV, 1976.

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It’s Alien day, maybe one of the most influential things to grace my life.

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I created this for a collaborative artbook but, alas, I wasn't chosen. However, that means I can share it all with you today instead!

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Happy day!

Made these prints last year for Monsterpalooza, but shows have been delayed still. Hopefully soon!

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Just a reminder that had came incredibly close to making his proposed ALIEN 5 movie which would have been set after the events in ALIENS. I hope gives Neil that "phone call".

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Happy folks. What a great day to celebrate carnage in space! Go grab some merch to show you’ve got acid for blood!

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